but really saw no reason to laugh and/or be annoyed by it.
The ad says the city that "works together". And it is for a transit system, so they are supposed to be for something moving that works together. I laughed for two minutes straight. What can I say? It's not news that I'm weird. So I'm the only one who found it funny in that context? Well, since it was linked from Making Light not the only one.
:pokes thread with stick::
where did everyone go? Sure, I get an afternoon with chances to pop on, and NOTHING. So much for entertainment.
Ya, still at work. Why o why did I say "yes" when asked "will you give a little schpiel to the Ovation Club? Talk about what you do, and sound stuff for Importance of Being Earnest?"
I'm here but I'm supposed to be working on a big project so quit poking me.
edit: but I do love the gear ad and everyone's reactions to it.
If I hadn't been told there was a problem, I probably wouldn't have noticed. but since I knew there was one, I saw it.
I forwarded the gear thing to one of my bosses, who laughed as soon as he saw it (he was a mechanical engineer at one point).
I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been told there was a problem. On the other hand I can see myself noticing if I was stuck on a transit platform waiting for a train with nothing else to occupy my attention.
We booked the trip to Texas tonight! It better be warm when I get there because I am done with this winter. I already have my older nephew booked for a whole day of fun. I can't wait to be able to spoil him again! The little one I'll see during the day while his brother's at school.
hee dee hee dee hee dee. I love it when scammers fail.
Guy tells me the matinee manager promised him free tickets.
Do you remember who you talked to?
No but he was about this tall.
Yes, he had black hair.
Sorry dude. All of our managers are female.