You know what? It really pisses me off when a law student doesn't know how to look up a statute for which they have the section numbers. When I told her where the code was, she looked totally freaked out and ran to another librarian.
Dear Students,
I refuse to do your work for you. Don't tell me you "need" it and expect me to produce it for you. It's your job to learn these things and my job to teach you. Suck it up.
You Won't Be Getting A Recommendation From Me
I can picture two gears, but for more than two I need to at least picture the arrows. Some test I took had a lot of those types of problems with multiple gears and pulleys and belts in each problem, I definitely can't just look at those and know what will happen.
I pictured the two bottom gears turning and squashing the top gear.
But am I alone in not really being bothered by it? It's an ad for a non-mechanical thing.
But am I alone in not really being bothered by it? It's an ad for a non-mechanical thing.
Intellectually, I know it's a trivial thing. But it still bugs me. Sorta' like an itch, if that makes sense.
But am I alone in not really being bothered by it?
No. I had no problem visualizing the (mechanical) problem, but really saw no reason to laugh and/or be annoyed by it. I suppose I never saw it as something that advertised itself as working in the first place.
But it still bugs me. Sorta' like an itch, if that makes sense.
Oh, totally. Like when music notes are used as decoration, but they're facing the wrong way.
I went to the funeral and Boss kind of freaked out but then he seemed to be fine with me being there. Of course, today is the day that three blocks in Ann Arbor lost power and one of our tenants is ON that block. Which is what he was freaking out about, but Co-Worker took care of it best she could as it was a power company thing.
Boss gave a eulogy and it was beautiful. I was goon until the bagpiper started and then total water works.
I figure if he's mad I was gone for the day, he can take a vaca day away from me. I feel good that I went and represented our comapny that his grandfather was an investor in.
I looked at some of those fabrics. Has Jilli seen this?
makes grabby hands
That would make a delightful skirt.
This is totally the kind of thing I can't picture at all. I would need to see them in action to understand.
Actually, they are working perfectly as designed. Maybe when they are engaged, they act as a brake. /smartass
Ooo. Watching Law & Order CI tonight, and 'Fred (from Angel series) had a small role. Good to see she's still getting work.
Is this not the one with the asthma and the fake medicine? She's got a pretty big role in that one.
That is the one. I posted having watched the first bit of it. It didn't look like it was going to be a big role, but it turned out to be. Good episode.
Flyby to say HI HI HI HI!!!
Am overwhelmed, but in a good way. I'm really going to like working with these folks. The time between now and July is going to be rough, but it will be worth it.
Ok, back to trying to understand these reports I'm supposed to be reviewing.