hee dee hee dee hee dee. I love it when scammers fail.
Guy tells me the matinee manager promised him free tickets.
Do you remember who you talked to?
No but he was about this tall.
Yes, he had black hair.
Sorry dude. All of our managers are female.
Laga, that is CLASSIC! Awesome sleuth work.
Sigh. Andi won't let me practice my impersonation of Elmer Fudd singing "White Wabbit Rabbit."
So I'm the only one who found it funny in that context?
Nope. I laughed too. And also had no problem picturing it.
Today was a stupid day. I woke up late, and was rushing to get to the class I was supposed to teaching. The class was on the other campus, so I had to take the shuttle to get there. I tried to run to the shuttle, but running in the cold air gave me an asthma attack. Stopped into my office for a second to grab some books that I needed, and asked my officemate if he could telephone the other campus and ask someone there to tell the students that I'd be there. Apparently, the message never made it there, because when I got there, the students were gone.
Then I went to the health center, because I needed to take care of some paperwork, and for some reason the doctor gave me a talk about birth control.
Woo-hoo! I get a snow day today!
Me, too! Second day in a row!
Of course, this means more days in summer at this point, but...snow day!!
It is already snowing here. It wasn't supposed to start until this afternoon. If it starts early, that means it ends early, right?
t /demented optimism
This is my first snow day in 20 years. The puppy and I just got back from exploring the yard encased in ice -- she's got herself backed up to the radiator now.
It is already snowing here. It wasn't supposed to start until this afternoon. If it starts early, that means it ends early, right?
I hope so. Otherwise the commute home is going to suck for people. I couldn't convince TCG to take a sick day.
Brooklyn schools are closed, which means so is daycare. Which I just found out now (having gotten to work an hour ago) because it didn't even occur to me to listen to the radio this morning to find out.
Oops. I guess I'll either be leaving early, or DH will bring Dylan here on his way in to work.