Well, that too.
ion, wow! Cauliflower pureed with garlic cream cheese and liberally sprinkled with garlic/blackpepper from the grinder? De-licious! In a pleasingly comfort-food mash-potato-substitute kind of way! Nice one! I ate it with shredded rocket and a mixture of stir fried chicken and bacon, but I am seeing shepherd's pie - or at least cottage pie - in my immediate future.
...food. It's what's for dinner!
Happy Belated Andi!!
~~~ma for Byron-Kitty.
And .... safe healing for Omnis.
IMememeNews: I now have a very cute bob. Not to be confused with a very cute Bob, which I do not have.
I'll try to get pictures today.
...er, I initially misread that as "a very cute boob" and had an instant of puzzlement at the singularity, before realising my error.
...er, I initially misread that as "a very cute boob" and had an instant of puzzlement at the singularity, before realising my error.
Well, glad you realized your error, Fay.
She has *two* very cute boobs.
I'm thinking they'd object, and not just to the slur.
Of COURSE this is right when I stopped reading. Anyway, oops. I did, of course, mean kefir. I could have sworn that was how I saw it spelled before! Anyway, thanks.
Anyway, thanks.
I've known the meaning of the word kafir (or kaffir) way longer than I have keffir (eta: see? I can't even spell it now), so I'm always primed for that slip of the keyboard or brain. Hope I didn't sound too flip.
Phone: *Hey. Guess what? Ring.*
Me: Aw dang.
Fuckcake O' the Day: I want to talk to a manager!
Me: Okay. What is this regarding?
FCOtD: Me wanting to talk to a manager!
Me: Well, I need to know *which* manager to direct your call to. So, what is this regarding?
FCOtD: I was just speaking with So-and-so and she hung up on me! I don't care if she "can't talk to me", but hanging up is completely unacceptable!
Me: Okay, what were you talking to So-and-so about?
FCOtD: My ex-husband has (issue that is totally his fault and he's trying to get out of it and we've dealt with assface for four days now).
Me: Your ex-husband?
FCOtD: Yes.
Me: Well...we can't talk to you. It's a violation of the Privacy Act.
FCOtD: ...what if I get him to call and give permission?
Me: Then we can talk to you.
FCOtD: I'll do that.
Me: That would be fine.
FCOtD: And I'm going to get So-and-So fired!
Me: Good luck with that.
My bathroom is maybe 5'x6'. Maybe.
That's bigger than mine, I'm pretty sure.
Add to that the fun of having only a clawfoot tub (no built-in shower), and we had to get a shower enclosure so that I could shower in the morning. It is, however, a very small radius, so when I'm showering, the shower curtain is contstantly clinging to my gigantic wet ass, and I want to rip it down in frustration.
I'm hoping for a better solution (I had suggested one of those companies where they turn your tub into a tub-with-shower by putting a fiberglass dealie over your existing tub, but The Boy wanted to preserve the original clawfoot, which I respect, but the shower curtain constantly clinging to me like some weepy ex-BF is driving me BATSHIT).
FCOtD: And I'm going to get So-and-So fired!
Me: Good luck with that.
Heh. If this were a just universe, people like FCOtD would be made to suffer. Lots.
Steph - we have one in our guestroom and for the inside liner, we're going to be getting a shower curtain with magnets in it so that it sticks to the tub, and not to us or our guests -
eta - whoops, wrong link. [link]