Happy Birthday Windsparrow, and punctuation all round.
I am a wuss.
I went downstairs to use the gym, but it was busy. So I sat outside to wait. Only then I got attacked by mosquitos and flying ants and moths, and after about ten minutes of this I sort of had a TOOMANYLEGS!TOOMANYLEGS! freakout, and ran away. I
do not like
insects. No indeed.
No sticker, Miss Fay.
On the plus side, I'd only promised myself 3 gym sessions a week, initially - only then I'd been thinking I'd go every day, just for 20 mins or so, to get into the routine. Where I went wrong was in sitting down and doing computer things first. This is Not The Way Forward. The Way Forward is: come in, drop bag, get changed, grab keys and water and iPod, leave flat. Do not sit down. That way it ISN'T busy, and if it were, it's still light and all the winged things don't attack you.
Am cooking experimental dinner. We'll see how it goes...
Oh, poor Fay! I am not a fan of the insects either. But, you reminded me that I need to go fight with the gym today (and I should work out while I'm there as well). Go gym! Choose gym! Or something...
The Way Forward is: come in, drop bag, get changed, grab keys and water and iPod, leave flat. Do not sit down.
This is me, except that it has nothing to do with busyness or insects. It has everything to do with my not getting settled in and deciding it's too much trouble to get to the gym.
Well, that too.
ion, wow! Cauliflower pureed with garlic cream cheese and liberally sprinkled with garlic/blackpepper from the grinder? De-licious! In a pleasingly comfort-food mash-potato-substitute kind of way! Nice one! I ate it with shredded rocket and a mixture of stir fried chicken and bacon, but I am seeing shepherd's pie - or at least cottage pie - in my immediate future.
...food. It's what's for dinner!
Happy Belated Andi!!
~~~ma for Byron-Kitty.
And .... safe healing for Omnis.
IMememeNews: I now have a very cute bob. Not to be confused with a very cute Bob, which I do not have.
I'll try to get pictures today.
...er, I initially misread that as "a very cute boob" and had an instant of puzzlement at the singularity, before realising my error.
...er, I initially misread that as "a very cute boob" and had an instant of puzzlement at the singularity, before realising my error.
Well, glad you realized your error, Fay.
She has *two* very cute boobs.
I'm thinking they'd object, and not just to the slur.
Of COURSE this is right when I stopped reading. Anyway, oops. I did, of course, mean kefir. I could have sworn that was how I saw it spelled before! Anyway, thanks.
Anyway, thanks.
I've known the meaning of the word kafir (or kaffir) way longer than I have keffir (eta: see? I can't even spell it now), so I'm always primed for that slip of the keyboard or brain. Hope I didn't sound too flip.
Phone: *Hey. Guess what? Ring.*
Me: Aw dang.
Fuckcake O' the Day: I want to talk to a manager!
Me: Okay. What is this regarding?
FCOtD: Me wanting to talk to a manager!
Me: Well, I need to know *which* manager to direct your call to. So, what is this regarding?
FCOtD: I was just speaking with So-and-so and she hung up on me! I don't care if she "can't talk to me", but hanging up is completely unacceptable!
Me: Okay, what were you talking to So-and-so about?
FCOtD: My ex-husband has (issue that is totally his fault and he's trying to get out of it and we've dealt with assface for four days now).
Me: Your ex-husband?
FCOtD: Yes.
Me: Well...we can't talk to you. It's a violation of the Privacy Act.
FCOtD: ...what if I get him to call and give permission?
Me: Then we can talk to you.
FCOtD: I'll do that.
Me: That would be fine.
FCOtD: And I'm going to get So-and-So fired!
Me: Good luck with that.