Do you want to be a lion tamer?
ION, is it OK that a small group of SETI enthusiasts want to begin broadcasting strong radio signals to possible extraterrestrial civilizations? Some think this will put us at risk for alien invasion....
Sure, the odds are small, but it'd be really bad if it happened....
Recently, several groups, ranging from radio astronomers in Argentina and Russia all the way to the web advertising site Craig's List, have declared that they intend to commence broadcasting high-intensity Messages to ETI... or METI... an endeavor also known at "Active SETI". Their intention is to change the observable brightness of Earth civilization by many orders of magnitude, in order to attract attention to our planet from anyone who might be out there.
I'm heading to the train station in a few. Probably won't be back online until Christmas day, so happy whatever-you-celebrate!
Bye, shrift!
ita, are you around? I have head injury questions for a scene I'm working on.
I'm here now. I was away off the internet having a cow. A co-worker asked me where I hung out on the web, and I told him a friend of mine had written a book on Buffy fandom, and it would tell him where.
He said "You expect me to buy it?" I said I wouldn't tell him not to.
This morning he comes to my desk to tell me that he hasn't found us here, but he has found my LJ and my flickr and my provocateuse sites.
At least he's cool. I made him tell me where he found the segue, and I've erased it now. Good detective work, though. I'm sure there are others, but those one totally startled me.
So if the associate across the hall thanks the two paralegals whose offices are on either side of mine for all of their help loudly enough that everyone in the area hears him (and gives them both presents), then comes into my office and demands I help him with something, even though I am clearly in the middle of something else (as he has a habit of doing), I get to spork him, right?
I'll use my fancy Christmas spork.
Tell him I said, "HEY!"
I know. Give Colin a hug for me, would you.
My past few days have been surreal. I'm not sure my sister coming in to town nets to a good idea, because if she's here I can actually take some of my pain meds, and some of them make me socially aggressive.
Currently there's an offer out--any male LA krav instructor who will pole dance for me will get not just a pole dance from me but also a lap dance if I take those classes.
Not sure how that happened.
Sister's dreamt up a strip club excursion tomorrow.
Last time I was at the ER they gave me IV in my foot.
Everything's just weird.
Suddenly it all becomes clear.
Ha! It seems he's lost his job again and "met someone" who he will be moving to another state for. Which? Hooray! But also, today my bf is the light of his life while yesterday she was "an ugly twisted thing." Whatevs. It'll make for catty HH talk at any rate.
Aims, you should help me open my store with clothes that flatter everybody. Or you could do the lion tamer thing.
Festive sporking is required in this case, I think. Make sure the spork has jingle bells tied to the top to add the proper mood music.