Suddenly it all becomes clear.
Ha! It seems he's lost his job again and "met someone" who he will be moving to another state for. Which? Hooray! But also, today my bf is the light of his life while yesterday she was "an ugly twisted thing." Whatevs. It'll make for catty HH talk at any rate.
Aims, you should help me open my store with clothes that flatter everybody. Or you could do the lion tamer thing.
Festive sporking is required in this case, I think. Make sure the spork has jingle bells tied to the top to add the proper mood music.
Should she wear a Santa hat, a la Teppy?
Isn't everyone wearing a Santa hat today? I am!!
It seems he's lost his job again
No doubt due to his taste in email forwards...
Aims, you should help me open my store with clothes that flatter everybody.
Ok. Although today, I would not be a very good example of that.
Also? I hate my hair.
Yay Christmas.
I am wearing a red satin skirt with black polka dots.
This is as festive as I will ever be.
No doubt due to his taste in email forwards...
According to him it's because it "turned out to be just another North Dallas pseudo yuppie business venture full of bullshit and bluster" And I'm all, DUDE! Have you looked in the mirror? You
the $30,000 millionare, the douchebag in the mist, if you will.
Ok. Although today, I would not be a very good example of that.
Me either. I haven't done laundry (though the maid should be doing it right now) and I've either worn all my cute stuff or it's packed.
My jeans don't fit and have a cranky zipper and my layered tops are kinda baggy and boring.
My hair, my purse and my boots, however, are fab-u-lous.
This is as festive as I will ever be.
That's plenty festive. I couldn't even be bothered to wear a color.