Amen! I was thinking that this morning. You don't know what you got till it's (almost) gone. Glad it stayed alive. Sad that it was such a close vote. But then again, I have that naive mentality of "can't we all just get along"
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
I always want to understand where people are coming from. I wish I could get the pov of those who voted to close the thread. Did anyone ever answer your question about resources, Omnis? The best I could get was "it's sad, sitting there not being used" which, OK then, don't subscribe, you know?
nope. No answer on the resources question.
My understanding from discussions about other proposed threads is that resources were not an issue for this thread. I could be wrong, but that's my understanding.
I think it's an issue of community splintering, not of this particular thread. If there are lots of threads where only 5 or 6 people post, we run the risk of becoming WC, and people really want to be vigilant about that. Having Buffistas be a community where we are all bumping into each other and chatting is the whole point we created it and donate money and all of that, so people are concerned about setting things up so we are all often in the same "rooms." Really, Iit's not just this thread, any thread that only gets a little traffic is going to be looked at seriously when it comes up for renewal.
that makes a lot of sense, Robin. thank you.
Wow, Juliebird, that grandpa analogy is stunningly brilliant. (and, apropos of nothing in particular, reminding me off all the dreams I've had where my grandfather (who died in '02) is alive and I'm the only one puzzled by that. I've decided that those dreams are him saying Hi.)
Every time I come here now I just want to hug the thread, and all y'all. I completely appreciate wanting to keep the community from fragmenting, and that's one of the nifty things about this board to me: its community. But I'm one of the shy people at the edge of the cool kids' crowd: there's no way I could keep up with Natter.
Thanks so much, Una.
I completely appreciate wanting to keep the community from fragmenting, and that's one of the nifty things about this board to me: its community. But I'm one of the shy people at the edge of the cool kids' crowd: there's no way I could keep up with Natter.
This is me as well.
there's no way I could keep up with Natter.2nd. I somehow manage in Bitches. But there are days where work is so slammed, no way can do. And yes! :: Hugs thread ::
OK, so I've cheated. I watched Serenity and started Train Job. Something to keep awake in booth during long crazy tech rehearsals. No worries, I'll watch them again ;)
Yeah, I try to keep up with Natter, but life happens and before I know it I'm 200 posts behind. That damn Joss Whedon fellow is to blame this time for creating that damn new TV show.