Bagger. Stupid autocorrect.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
Bagger Nag, another colorful character from Persephone. He brings you your groceries and critiques your golf game.
Titan is coming out with three Firefly novels starting in October.
I don't buy the premise that Zoe would not immediately go rescue Mal . Hm indeed.
a little-known science fiction show from Joss Whedon called Firefly. The series gained a cult status when it hit DVD the following year
Thanks to weeks of us and other Firefly fans smoking the wires with calls to the "What TV Series Would You Most Like to See on DVD?" 1-800 number, plus repeated calls and visits to local DVD stores, "Do you have Firefly on DVD?" to convince Fox to make the boxed set happen.
Also, Zoe's *second* mate? WTF's on first?
Ha, I skimmed right past that "second mate" business. @@ Hopefully it's just in this write-up and not in the novel...