I was soooo touchy about being judged for my parenting skills or lack thereof.
This was (is? but I'm getting better) so me. My SIL is pregnant with her first and every time I've offered any sort of advice/whatever, I always preface it with about 4-5 this-worked-for-me-I'm-not-judging-of-course- you-have-to-do-it-your-own-way-this-may-not-fit-your-situation type statements.
I'm so angry at my dad right now, I could drive to his McMansion and kick his nads into his chest cavity.(But of course, if I could do that he wouldn't ignore me so much in the first place.) It's not so much that what he did now is so heinous; people make mistakes, forget things, etc. But why does it have to be me...every single time.
Aw, hell, erika. I can't kick his nads into his chest cavity either, but I could make prank calls from England and yell
at him in my best Iain McShane voice?
That would rule, Fay!
I would pay good money for the tape.
I am *really* careful about giving what seems to be advice. I try to be supportive. But, apparently, last night that came off as dismissive. So, I'm trying to add some knowledge to my support. That's all. I don't even pretend to know what I'm talking about, so I've just not even opened my mouth. Apparently, my brother knows me as usually having an opinion, so he thought that when I didn't have anything to say, it was because I didn't have anything nice to say, which wasn't the case. So, trying to at least change that, so I can say, "Wow, well that sounds totally normal, from what I've heard my friends say."
Well, that sucks, since it seems you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. It sounds like you are really trying to be supportive so I'm not sure what he expected you to say or do.
Well, that sucks, since it seems you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. It sounds like you are really trying to be supportive so I'm not sure what he expected you to say or do.
Eh. It's ok. They're new parents. They're stressed. I love 'em. It'll be ok.
vw, I agree with megan - it does sound like Captain Logic isn't steering his tugboat. Which is perfectly understandable, what with the whole New Baby thing - but, yeah, I actually think
the one who needs to grok that maybe you don't have a context in which to have formed a valid opinion, and that you're not just an asshat who takes a stance for the sake of taking one. Don't beat yourself up about this.
I have nothing to add to the baby conversation, except:
You have two moms, megan? Awesome!
(or did I read that wrong?)
So, L.A. people...specifically NoiseDesign, whose idea it was for a
Rock Band
party in the first place: all signs seem to be pointing to Sunday, Dec. 30. Is that good? Timing is whenever. I was also thinking Laga and omnis and I could do the Museum of Jurassic Technology that morning/afternoon. I don't know how long one needs.
If you're going to the MJT, P-C, I and possibly S (if she's feeling up to it) will be going with y'all. We love that place.