I think the point where my brain is getting stuck is, "I still haven't found one person who I want to be in a relationship with and who wants to be in a relationship with me, and the process of trying to find someone totally sucks, and there are people who do this multiple times?"
Well, it's not like a requirement, where you're not allowed in the poly club unless you're dating multiple people. Like, someone's gonna call you a poser for only dating one. "Wannabe poly!" they cry, with their cruel, mocking laugh...
Okay, I need to go home.
Also, as wicked freaking unfair as it is, it doesn't always require going out looking. It's not like I went on a grueling round of dating and meeting to find my last partner -- it was just some guy I knew. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened again in the last five damn years.
Having killed the thread, let me say that I wasn't meaning to make fun. I was just being silly.
Whee! Dude, I have to stay awake through a football game still. Argharghargh.
I think I'd be open to trying a poly relationship.
I actually learned about poly relationships from MTV (the same way I learneda bout Furries), it was on their Real Life segment I think. They had different types of poly relationships. One was a trio who were a trio and lived together, the man was actually married to one of the women (they'd been a couple first) but they downplayed that because they felt it slighted the relationship of the three of them. I remember they said it felt weird if 2 of them wanted to have sex and the third didn't.
The other relationship was a 2 guys and a 1 woman, again a marired couple invovled. Guy A was married to his wife, but Guy B fell in love with her (and I guess she sort of fell for him) and they constructed this arrangement where the woman was with Guy A and Guy B, but they weren't a trio. In fact Guy B was straight (Guy A was bi, but not attracted to Guy B), they all slept in the same bed, but there was only hetero sex going on. At the end it said that Guy B had left the relationship.
Plus, I'm WAY WAY WAY too insecure about the one relationship I have. If there were other relationships involved, I'd explode
This is so me. Plus, while I totally get how *I* could love more than one person at a time, I'm not ready for my husband to do it.
Which is not to say that I don't think other people might be able to do so, but I couldn't.
I totally get how *I* could love more than one person at a time, I'm not ready for my husband to do it.
This just in: Aimee = Stephanie and vice verse.
t hops in Aimee's lap, certain Joe will understand
I'm sure he will.
Emily! I have to send you a picture that will make you laugh.
See, I don't so much care if my partners are having sex with other people (well, other than the safe sex issue), but I'm very attention-needy. So I tend to be sort of laissez-faire poly -- if it doesn't affect me, go ahead, but don't infringe on my relationship, as it were.