Plus, I'm WAY WAY WAY too insecure about the one relationship I have. If there were other relationships involved, I'd explode
This is so me. Plus, while I totally get how *I* could love more than one person at a time, I'm not ready for my husband to do it.
Which is not to say that I don't think other people might be able to do so, but I couldn't.
I totally get how *I* could love more than one person at a time, I'm not ready for my husband to do it.
This just in: Aimee = Stephanie and vice verse.
t hops in Aimee's lap, certain Joe will understand
I'm sure he will.
Emily! I have to send you a picture that will make you laugh.
See, I don't so much care if my partners are having sex with other people (well, other than the safe sex issue), but I'm very attention-needy. So I tend to be sort of laissez-faire poly -- if it doesn't affect me, go ahead, but don't infringe on my relationship, as it were.
I'm attention needy so I could maybe see myself being poly, but not letting Joe be poly. But I'm very hypocritical that way.
Plus, I'm WAY WAY WAY too insecure about the one relationship I have. If there were other relationships involved, I'd explode
This is so me. Plus, while I totally get how *I* could love more than one person at a time, I'm not ready for my husband to do it.
Hey look! I'm Aimee and Stephanie!
Actually, I suppose I am, in some definitions, polyamorous because I do have close, loving relationships with people other than Pete. But I don't consider that poly, I consider that having close friends. In my head, poly = having multiple close, loving,
Sweet! Is that Anne?
It is!
We met her new beau at the party. He's AWESOME.