including complaining if you had said "excuse me"
Yeah, it occurred to me to tell her that she'd probably have complained no matter what I did, but she was still on the phone minutes after the event when the train pulled up, so I didn't say anything to her. Because, you know, I try not to be rude....
Happy Birthday, Brenda!
Shouldn't have read the whitefont. Usually I'm OK with the whitefont. But there's just no OK there. Ah, well. I was warned. No one else to blame.
bon bon nailed it on that rudemeister, tommy. Bleh.
Thanks for the Alan Johnston link, Jars.
I don't know why people feel free to be dicks about the little things. One jackhole can really make your day or week go sour. I think everyone should participate in Operation Don't Be a Total Douchebag for a day, and anyone who can't make it a full 24 hours without being a fuckwit should be ejected from the planet.
I think I want to kill the test team. They pretty much dumped something in our lap, but said "you must use our testbase! But we won't actually configure your stuff for it or tell you how to! You'll just have to figure it out yourself because we're done!" We're not
to do any meaningful testing until we get the good goodamned testbase to work.
I hate it when people think they've got a good idea.
sarameg, e-mail the test team ita's link.
ita's link has scarred me. I don't know how to make it go away.
ION, there was screaming in my apartment building. Followed by suicide threats, and asking me to "watch" the the suicidal person on Saturday.
Um. You don't want that. Because I'll be driving her ass to a hospital.
I really need to move.
Thanks, guys. In the ER, verrrry doped up. I have a really nice nurse which helps offset the screaming girl who's apparently in a great deal of distress. Her mother was talking about her outside my door, using terms like 'street drugs' and 'possibly prostitution.' Parenting is hard.
Okay. Back to dreamtime. Loopy, loopy, looped. I heard them say that giving someone about this much dilauded is similar to 30mg of
Hang in there, ita.
Allyson, eek. Yeah, that's above and beyond neighborly obligations, even in a place as tight-knit as yours.
Glad the nurse is nice, and hope the dilaudid does its job, and you get home safely.
Sorry the building denizens are crossing boundaries, Allyson.