The morning was supposed to go like this:
Sleep in a bit. Pick up coworker from the airport. Go to 10AM workshop.
The morning, so far, has been this:
Wake up before alarm, despite tiredness and fervent desire for more sleep. Find out coworker's flight is delayed over an hour, at this point. Get interrupted while watching last night's "The Office" and am told that someone else will pick her up from the airport, so head to office nearly an hour later than usual, meaning rush-hour traffic is in full swing.
Sit at desk. Hate world.
Oh wait - it would probably be Melinda Gates who would probably have the fighting prowess. What with her having to defend Bill from random attacks by Linus Torvald's wife (who was once some martial arts champion of Finland, for reals).
And remember the "Scorpio" episode of The Simpsons?
God that was hilarious. Best thing Albert Brooks ever did since DEFENDING YOUR LIFE.
"Uh... you have any sugar around here?"
"Sugar? Sure." [takes two handfuls of sugar out of his pockets] "There you go. Sorry it's not in packages. Want some cream?" [reaches back into his pockets]
"Uh... I... no." [backs away slowly]
Wake up before alarm, despite tiredness and fervent desire for more sleep.
I woke up at 5AM and stumbled around moaning "WHY IS IT SO DARK? WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M DYING?" for a few minutes before I thought to look at a clock.
Wake up before alarm, despite tiredness and fervent desire for more sleep.
You've just described nearly every day I've had for the last I don't know how many years.
I was reading an article the other day about people with anaemia and hypothyroidism and the like, and how tiredeness was the main symptom. They were talking about how they could easily sleep for twelve hours straight and finding it difficult to find the energy for everyday tasks. What if you're like that, and you don't have an excuse? Do The Lazies count as an excuse?
On Today's Papers this morning I heard the story about a local reporter who got fired because he chronically overslept. A few months later, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, and he figures that must have been the source of his sleepiness.
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that Dana has testicular cancer.
Last night I remembered I had some Xanax, and this morning I fully understand while people become addicted. Best sleep I've had in weeks. I actually feel AWAKE.
I woke up at 5AM and stumbled around moaning "WHY IS IT SO DARK? WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M DYING?" for a few minutes before I thought to look at a clock.
DH bought this stupid projection clock so I have a big red LED numbers projected on the ceiling. It's bad enough tossing and turning and rolling over to see the clock. When it's staring down at you in giant red numbers, UGH.
So I either have anemia, testicular cancer, or chronic laziness.
Except I didn't oversleep. The whole problem is that I woke up early. So I think I'm safe from testicular cancer.