Congrats sj! That sounds like a wonderful ring.
I had my first test tonight. Out of 50 points I got 39. I completely didn't answer 2 questions (it was all scantron multiple choice or true false), and this was even though I checked back over.
The test was harder than it should have been because there were typos and the word EXCEPT I was left out of several questions. You could see when people got to question 28 because one by one people went up to ask, finally she announced that EXCEPT had been left off.
I did turn in my extra credit stuff, we got extra credit for coming back after the break in class, extra credit for last week. So I should be doing okay.
Also frustrating is that, well, the stuff she seemed to emphasis wasn't on the test. She said definition heavy but there weren't that many definitions and there were a few questions she never mentioned in class that were in the book.
The class as a whole did really bad, I think a bunch of people are going to drop the class.
That is wonderful news, sj. Congratulations to you and Teacup Guy!
I wasn't around when teacup guy was named so I keep thinking of Jackie Chan (he collects teacups).
I wasn't around when teacup guy was named so I keep thinking of Jackie Chan (he collects teacups).
Oh great, now you've gone and blown his secret identity.
wanted to marry Jackie Chan!
Laga, we dubbed sj's DF "Teacup Guy" because his first gift to her was a lovely teacup (which she collects). We were very impressed by this gift; hence, his nickname. He used to dislike it, but I think he decided it wasn't that bad once sj explained to him how fondly we were using it.
Congratulations, sj! We've loved him ever since the teacup.
Oh well, that was fun. Just had a screaming fight with EM (all on her end) about where to pick Emmett up after wrestling tomorrow.
The solution: where we always pick him up.
Yay, irrational, freaking out, crazy lady.
{{{Hec}}} I hope Em is able to find some calm soon.
I suppose I should be sleeping, although I don't know how that will be possible. TCG is taking tomorrow off of work to hopefully have his car fixed. I can't decide if I should cancel therapy for tomorrow to stay home if he needs a ride or not.
Congrats sj and tcg!!!
from before:
Lisah, if you want to really rebel, come out as a brussels sprout lover
I AM a brussel sprouts lover! mmm roasted with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. delicioso!
I actually sauté a little bacon, then remove it and add the brussel sprouts to the drippings. I brown the sprouts quickly, then deglaze with some lemon juice and a little stock, then cover and let them steam in the stock. I serve with the crunchy bacon bits and little lemon zest sprinkled on top for color.