It is, however, illegal to have sex with or proposition a prostitute, regardless of where the intended sex is to take place.
It's not illegal to have sex with a prostitute. It's illegal to pay someone for sex. I mean, presumably even prostitutes can have private sex lives, right?
The end of dates is totally the worst part. My first date with Mrs. W. was on a Saturday night, and I was supposed to end it early and go skiing the next day. But we were having such an amazing time we couldn't figure out where the end point was supposed to be. I dropped her off at some ungodly hour, and yeah, I called the next day.
Tell me a thing that made you happy recently.
Frank Iero putting a condom on his microphone with his mouth, and then sucking off his mic.
I am somewhat predictable.
has that been linked to, shrift? I somehow missed it.
Frank Iero putting a condom on his microphone with his mouth, and then sucking off his mic.
ION, the Man at Burning Man got set on fire last night. A wee bit early. He is now Charred Man.
Scola, you're cute. I'm sure it went fine. If it wasn't for the continent between us, I'd want to take you out(or at least think about it)
I accidentally got kind of drunk on my first date with my last boyfriend/whatever, and had to rush off into a cab before it became really embarassingly obvious, which is like the opposite of Wolfram's tricky ending. (I accidentally got drunk since we met for a drink after work, not dinner, and then I ordered a cocktail, when I should have (a) had a snack beforehand, (b) ordered wine or beer, or (c) both! I know better now.)
My last date involved a combination of memorably intense halitosis, coy childish behavior, and pestering follow-ups that cemented my loathing for text messaging in general.
My last for-sure date was with a guy who wrote Spam software. I don't remember who paid for the meal, but I hope it was him.
Really don't remember much else...and that was more than five years ago now.
What R U Doing?
Moments later:
How about now?
Like that?