I just looked for and found my father's LinkedIn profile. WHY DO I DO THESE THINGS?
(I mean, it's not like it's myspace, but I'm still sitting here thinking "is it weird to send a Friend request to dad? and will he respond with 'you should call home more'...?")
(Now that I think about it, this may militate for more martinis)
Don't drink liquid nitrogen
Within two seconds, I collapsed to the floor, unable to breathe or indeed do anything except feel intense pain. The ambulance arrived. The police arrived. The journey to the hospital. The attempt to explain to baffled ER staff how something like this could happen. Then I passed out.
I woke up the next morning connected to beeping machines. It turns out that, in accordance with popular belief, you really should not drink liquid nitrogen.
I was badly burned from epiglottis to stomach bottom. The gas expanded to fill my chest cavity, and the pressure collapsed a lung. After what I'm told was a grueling all-night surgery, they removed part of my stomach and ran my entire digestive system on a machine. I was on a breather for a day until my lung was restored. There are a few considerably uglier details which I will spare you.
It was pretty close to becoming "the late Idiot."
surely a top candidate for the Darwin Awards. or whatever they call the ones that
have killed the person, but they were lucky
An awesome work of art, Signifier and Signified
eta: Another by the same artist: Two Warriors Come Out of the Sky It made me laugh....
from [link]
An awesome work of art, Signifier and Signified
I was watching the Little League World Series today. It was still tied and in extra innings when I had to leave for Deb's house.
Came back and turned on the Tivo and I had only asked for a half hour extra (for a live event). And it went down to the last minute of my TiVo coverage when Georgia hit a walkoff homerun in the 8th to clinch it.
Phew. Then the Georgia boys went and hugged the sobbing Japanese boys and I got a little verklempt.
And discovered that one friend has become a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Into total tin-hat territory: that the towers were brought down by demolition, that the planes weren't commercial airliners and the passengers were taken elsewhere, that it was all arranged by the Bush administration.
Pfft. As if the Bush administration would have gone to the trouble to get other planes and take the passengers elsewhere.
Then the Georgia boys went and hugged the sobbing Japanese boys and I got a little verklempt.
It had that affect. My family gave me grief for tearing up at that. Those kids played an amazing game.