An awesome work of art, Signifier and Signified
I was watching the Little League World Series today. It was still tied and in extra innings when I had to leave for Deb's house.
Came back and turned on the Tivo and I had only asked for a half hour extra (for a live event). And it went down to the last minute of my TiVo coverage when Georgia hit a walkoff homerun in the 8th to clinch it.
Phew. Then the Georgia boys went and hugged the sobbing Japanese boys and I got a little verklempt.
And discovered that one friend has become a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Into total tin-hat territory: that the towers were brought down by demolition, that the planes weren't commercial airliners and the passengers were taken elsewhere, that it was all arranged by the Bush administration.
Pfft. As if the Bush administration would have gone to the trouble to get other planes and take the passengers elsewhere.
Then the Georgia boys went and hugged the sobbing Japanese boys and I got a little verklempt.
It had that affect. My family gave me grief for tearing up at that. Those kids played an amazing game.
Oh! Mac's song about the spider reminds me of one that always makes me laugh and laugh. My friend Nick's mom apparnetly would sing to him when he was little (and this probably tells us why he is twisted today)
I'm a little teapot
short and stout
Here is my handle
(making handle with arm)
Here is my other handle
(making handle with other arm)
I usually sing "I'm a Little Teapot" to Noah as I'm a Little Milk Dud.
Ha! That makes me laugh and laugh. Totally going to use it on the next kid I can.
I swear, parents doing things like that--they should help pay for therapy.
Googling has just reinforced my suspicion that these magnesium supplements I'm taking are fucking with my stomach. Grr.
I've spent time the past couple days reading the Something Awful forums. Their software does some phrase switching--"fuck" seems to be replaced by "gently caress." What gets confusing is that some verb is being replaced by "loving" and I can't work out which--"screw," maybe? No--I think "screwed" is changed to "hosed." "Ass" becomes "rear end" and I'm also not sure what is changed to "top hat." Oh, and "shit" is "poo poo." So you end up with things like:
Seriously, why the gently caress do girls do that? This sort of vindictive "I WILL KILL YOU BECAUSE YOUR HAVENT TRIED TO KILL ME YET!" attitude really takes a poo poo on ones self esteem.
Ignore the topic--I just got caught up in reading about tons of people I don't know and how their relationships ended.
The version of that my dad taught me was "Goddamit. I'm a sugarbowl." Yes, that was the version I sang to my kindergarten class.
That's hilarious! I'll have to remember that one.
Check this out--it's the website for a jeweler whose booth I walked by at the gem and jewelry show on Friday. They have really gorgeous and striking pieces. Too bad I can't afford anything there right now!
Speaking of pretty things to buy: these boots are sugar.