Kat, you should call, but get their response confirmed in writing before you make a change.
Yes, this - both from UC's benefits person and the insurance co. Having worked for UC, (B not LA), the answers about benefits were always suspect. A friend is still trying to get an answer w/r/t her maternity leave 2 weeks after she had the baby -- and you would think they would know how to figure those out by now.
paperdol, I doubt that you're a bad interview. We have lots of proof here that you can string a pithy sentence together in a matter of seconds, all your subjects and verbs will match and that you can make yourself understood.
That they expect anyone to do this so early in the morning, however, is cruel.
What Jamaicans will be eating in the year 2000 (predictions made in 1969): [link]
Milk that never saw a cow, fruit that never grew on a tree or in the ground, and steak bearing no relation to a bullock -- in other words, fabricated food. It sounds a little distasteful and perhaps unbelievable but, according to eminent scientists studying food science it is inevitable and will be soon on our tables.
Take the steak for instance. Soya beans can be woven to resemble a bullock's muscle, the fat presents no problem nor do vitamins, colouring is simple and flavour can be injected to order. The stuff can be even made to suit the taste buds of an institutional canteen or those who like to see blood.
Food Technologists also forecast the days of communal feeding, when whole sections of the community, several streets joined together, would be served by a communal kitchen. Mrs. Community, tired of her cooking chores, will simply pick up the phone and order any variety of quality convenience foods from the self-serving central chef. An indication of this trend is visible at the moment in the home delivery services of some restaurants and also the ready to heat TV Dinners. Quality at the moment may leave a lot to be desired but in the future, new methods of keeping food such as A.F.D. (Accelerated Freeze Drying) and cooking Infra-Ray Ovens will keep the gourmets happy. The result - less time spent on cooking and shopping and more time for leisure.
Last month Florida State Rep Bob Allen was arrested for soliciting sex from a male undercover police officer, he's been saying that it was a mistake, but under his lawyer's advice he couldn't say why he was in a park restroom after dark giving money to some guy.
But now he's finally making a statement -- he was in the park and there were all these "stocky black men" around and he got scared so he went to the restroom and did whatever the scary black man said because he was afraid of being a "statistic" [link]
ION, the Daily Puppy - such big round paws!
And I like the one where he's contemplating the lake.
Also, this HILARIOUS Jamie Foxx serenade of Serena -- what event was this from?
My guess would be that is from some ESPY awards.
Oh, ita, your poor head! I would trade tribulations with you for the next week if i thought I could and if I thought it would be useful. Not because I think, "Oh, ita's ish is so much easier than mine," but because I wish you didn't have to bear the burden of it alone.
I have had exactly 3 hours of sleep today.
Jessica, love the happy tushies stuff. So. Cute.
Wow. I woke up grumpy with an extra helping of homicidal sauce this morning.
I meant to post this here originally, but I was posting too early...
[x-post with Bitches]
Actual conversation with husband just now:
Joe: I see you have a book on a cult. Are you into a cult now?
Me: Did you actually look at the cover?
Joe: Yeah - it has a mouse with pointy ears (he sticks his fingers up next to his ears to demonstrate)
Me: So, does that really look like a book on a cult?
Joe: No...so what is it?
Me: It's a book written by a buffista about life online. She made the exact point to the publisher about putting the word 'cult' on the cover but they did it anyway.
So, not surprisingly, paperdol was right. (Oh, and I'm totally enjoying the book. I was laughing out loud at the skeezy third world hospital last week while waiting for my appointment.)