i noticed that she and Sam shared some knowing looks.
So we're back to "they're shagging" or they both thought it was necessary to pretend they were when a knock came at the door. Maybe the pretending thing came from knowing Bobby was outside the door? Which was more effective than a fully dressed girl answering the door... how? Other than titillating the viewers into thinking "Sam's been getting laid a lot since Dean died!" Bleh.
Oh, wait, I was waving my hands. Nebbermind.
I didn't think there was anything other than the errant bra and the no-pants-ness that indicated they were shagging. Both can be explained by them sharing a hotel room, though.
Honestly, more than the character issue of Sammy's been getting laid, I was staring at his hair. Yes, I'm shallow. I was really, really hoping that they'd set a stylist loose on him with a pair of scissors and trim that mop into something more flattering. Such a gorgeous man, and such a mess of a hairdo.
Other than that, I'm guessing we'll have several weeks where we get dribs and drabs dealt out telling us how Sam's personality and habits have changed now that he's been on his own. Maybe picking up women now and again is part of that change. (It would be nice if he could at least remember their name until after they walked out the door.)
Edit: Not to be totally Sam-centric, I'm sure they'll be teasing us with how Dean has changed too.
If that was Ruby when the girl walked out, I would chalk all of that up to just her fucking around with Sam. Like, they had a cover name for her, and she said a different one when he used it.
I'm betting acting like it's a one-night stand is a plan to make Dean less suspicious -- if it seems like a long-term girl Sam's fallen for, then Dean's going to ask questions.
Also, I'm assuming (now) that this is not Ruby jumping into random girls' bodies, but this is the body she chose. She seemed to like her other *meatsuit* just fine, and I don't see her risking jumping from body to body just for the hell of it. Not least because it would just be easier for both her and Sam to use the same one permanently.
I'm not sure I'm bothered by the idea of them sleeping together, either. Maybe because it makes more sense to me, character-wise, than Sam sleeping around randomly.
Weren't we left with the impression at the end of last season that Lillith had killed Ruby?
Weren't we left with the impression at the end of last season that Lillith had killed Ruby?
Bad memory, but didn't Lilith say something like "Ruby's been sent far away", as to, say, hell? And maybe she crawled her way back out?
Lillith had killed Ruby?
I thought it was more that she kicked her out of the meatsuit and sent her back to hell. Looks like she came back and found a new one.
Demons lie. ::nods::
Also, I'd be willing to bet Lilith wouldn't want to admit it if Ruby escaped before Lilith could off her. And it's good strategy to make the enemy (Sam) feel helpless and alone.
So, Dean just plugged the dude who "volunteered" to be the supposed angels vessel, and is now dead? Sucks for that guy, guess the angel will just have to keep the body. Darn.
If it can drag someone who signed his soul away out of Hell and resurrect a body that's been shredded and rotting for months, I don't think a knife wound will be that much of a challenge.
I do wonder if the fact that Dean sold his soul for a basically noble reason played into the decision to intervene and spring him, or if being Sam's brother is the motivating factor.