I really believe that's supposed to be Hell Dean's in, because nobody in the show has ever mentioned the possibility of Purgatory or Limbo. And they do asspulls, sure, but I suspect not that one.
Lilith evicted Ruby from the blonde body, sending Ruby far away (probably to Hell, I guess), and now that Lilith's gone, the body will rot. Since it's dead: Bobby shot Ruby the first time he met her, when she showed up to help him fix the Colt. Which is now with Lilith, right?
So, yeah, unless S4 starts right where S3 ended, we're not going to see Katie Cassidy again. I didn't mind her much, but I would have been interested to see the character played by an actress with more presence. (I.e., someone who didn't look 18.)
We don't really know what her damn deal is.
So far as we know to date, Lilith's merely a more powerful demon, if presumably one who started as a child who went to hell. Although I'm not sure about that: her preference for little-girl bodies may not reflect her status when she died.
I did like the fact that she refused to monologue about her evil plan. OTOH it probably means the writers don't know what that plan is.
Someone here (I think?) mentioned the whole "wanting the same story twenty-six times" thing as a reason to believe Lilith is a child, somehow, and I believe that. I mean, for me personally having cake every day would be a great thing, but hearing the same story over and over? Asking to play on the swings? For a really twisted demon who wanted a kick out of playing in a kid's body, that might be amusing for a day or two, but for an "adult" demon? Probably not so much.
I did like the fact that she refused to monologue about her evil plan. OTOH it probably means the writers don't know what that plan is.
Heh. Exactly this.
That was me, Amy. Between that and her enjoying being in a growed up body and acting all girl-crushy on Sam just struck me as very juvenile. I don't think it's just a demon playing at being child-like/immature. I think the demon was born out of a child who was so bad that child went to hell. The very worst kind of evil. I totally believe in original sin and that it's not until abstract thought and reasoning are taught to us that we possess the capabilities of morality, hence my long-held belief that Children Are Evil.
Um, personal issues, yes, but I still think that Lilith was born as a demon out of a human child's soul.
I was actually wondering if the girl in the bedtime story was Lilith, following the fairy tales are real theory we saw earlier in the season (and in Buffy, and elsewhere).
Heh, I was wondering if Lilith was the dragon in the story and it didn't exactly go the way we would expect.
I think the demon was born out of a child who was so bad that child went to hell.
There's a very Bad Seed vibe about her, yes.
I was actually wondering if the girl in the bedtime story was Lilith, following the fairy tales are real theory we saw earlier in the season (and in Buffy, and elsewhere).
Also interesting! And with -t's theory, really interesting!
For a really twisted demon who wanted a kick out of playing in a kid's body, that might be amusing for a day or two, but for an "adult" demon? Probably not so much.
This was my thought until she inhabited Ruby, then her behavior was much more on the "adult" demon side. Made my head spin.
My sister tells a story of reading "Goodnight Moon" to her daughter, and just doing it again so long as her daughter still wanted to hear it: they got to 18 before my sister gave up.
I was very worried Lilith was going to ask for "Goodnight Moon".
I thought so, too, Suzi! At first it was still very childlike, and then with Sam she got a bit more grown up. But then when she opened the door for the hellhounds, it was back to childlike again.
I think it may have been the delivery and the simple fact of an adult speaking the lines, though -- I want to go back and listen to the actual dialogue.
"Goodnight stars, goodnight air. Goodnight noises everywhere."
God, I used to be able to recite that in my sleep. As well as most of the Boynton oeuvre.