I'll get a dl'able version out tomorrow evening.
Okey dokey. Thanks for the update.
Also--for those who don't have and want, or who want a set to loan, Best Buy is offering SPN S1 at $19.99.
I'ma cancel my Amazon pre-order of S2. They're still showing my shipping date as 9/24, and, you know, not just no, but hey-ell no. I'll be out Best Buy way tomorrow anyway, and I'll stop in and pick them up, if they have them in-store. Which they're being cagey about and not promising. Still, I could order from Best Buy and get them before 9/24. Deep Discount DVD didn't promise much of an early delivery date for SPN S2, either. What up with that?
Bev, I'm not seeing any links for the commentary (found my way over to the commentary LJ, but no joy).
I got Season 1 for my birthday, and if I can't figure out a way to get my iTunes S2 onto DVD so they play on the TV, that'll be going on my X-mas list. But otherwise I'm a poor little bastard.
a tiny grief song: [link]
Beautiful vid.
My grief is not so tiny on that subject. More mighty, I would say.
Cartography commentary.
It sort of looks like KJV, but, you know, isn't. Off to watch grief.
Julie, I'm cofax7 on LJ, and I post recs to my LJ pretty regularly. Also my SPN delicious tag is here, with... shit. 201 stories, all gen or het. That should keep you busy!
Bastard (oh crap. I didn't mean *you*.Bastard tears). Crying like a leaky faucet.
Could I beg for a download link? Want to keep that forever.
That was beautiful, Julie. Beautiful and allergy-inducing.
What's this I find when I wake up? Crack?
It's crack!
as in vid feedback, not crackfic, and since it's not Sunday, not that other stuff I wouldn't know how to use
Thanks Austin! I liked how the title worked out, the grief, nor the vid being tiny. Thanks again, Aillean! Oh, Beverly! I forgot to leave the tissues handy. Excuse me while I revel in expletives and tears: I was aiming for the heart with this vid. That's the nicest thing you could have said or done (and I'm used to the expletives being pointed my way. Gives me a warm glowy feeling).
Now that I figured out how to get a small yet pretty version, I'll try and get a link up so you can download.
And thanks for the link... ooh, red text! *bookmarks*
Found you 'Suela, friended and bookmarked (suddenly October looms too closely. I've got reading to do!)