Bev, I'm not seeing any links for the commentary (found my way over to the commentary LJ, but no joy).
I got Season 1 for my birthday, and if I can't figure out a way to get my iTunes S2 onto DVD so they play on the TV, that'll be going on my X-mas list. But otherwise I'm a poor little bastard.
a tiny grief song: [link]
Beautiful vid.
My grief is not so tiny on that subject. More mighty, I would say.
Cartography commentary.
It sort of looks like KJV, but, you know, isn't. Off to watch grief.
Julie, I'm cofax7 on LJ, and I post recs to my LJ pretty regularly. Also my SPN delicious tag is here, with... shit. 201 stories, all gen or het. That should keep you busy!
Bastard (oh crap. I didn't mean *you*.Bastard tears). Crying like a leaky faucet.
Could I beg for a download link? Want to keep that forever.
That was beautiful, Julie. Beautiful and allergy-inducing.
What's this I find when I wake up? Crack?
It's crack!
as in vid feedback, not crackfic, and since it's not Sunday, not that other stuff I wouldn't know how to use
Thanks Austin! I liked how the title worked out, the grief, nor the vid being tiny. Thanks again, Aillean! Oh, Beverly! I forgot to leave the tissues handy. Excuse me while I revel in expletives and tears: I was aiming for the heart with this vid. That's the nicest thing you could have said or done (and I'm used to the expletives being pointed my way. Gives me a warm glowy feeling).
Now that I figured out how to get a small yet pretty version, I'll try and get a link up so you can download.
And thanks for the link... ooh, red text! *bookmarks*
Found you 'Suela, friended and bookmarked (suddenly October looms too closely. I've got reading to do!)