Or wanted one and never consummated it.
There would have been some ice cold showers if that were the case.
You know what set me off on Ellen/Dean? That look Ellen gave him when Jo was flirting with him over REM and she says, "You're afraid of my mother?"
It just looked like he and Ellen had a communication shorthand Jo didn't share
Oh, Hell Yes. I will never believe he didn't swing by the Roadhouse when we (and Sam) didn't see.
I love that face Dean makes when he tastes the herb-n-dirt mix in Home.
Now, I want to rewatch Home just to see it.
when he tastes the herb-n-dirt mix in Home
That's our Dean, impulse control issues. I'll further bet it was a choice on JA's part, rather than scripted or directed.
It is the moment that made me want the Wacky Adventures of Dean Winchester and Benton Fraser.
Together, they fight crime! And occasionally taste dirt.
I mean, sure he's a little young, but really, Dean's totally Fraser's type!
Oh Beverly, Cartography in Empty Spaces and The Edge of the Known World were so good! Thanks for making sure I read them!
Yay! If you like dvd commentaries, read the commentary for Cartography. I like Go Down You Blood Red Roses, too, though it certainly doesn't stand on its own.
I'll make sure I do that. Is Go Down... by the same author?
I got
"a tiny grief song"
re-edited (just titles --took me long enough) and uploaded, and I hate my editor's upgrade. I suddenly have a choice between 300MB and 7, so the quality is now crap. I'm gonna try importing into WMM and see if I can't get a happy 100 (max allowable for YT and all file sharing sites).
the link is: [link]
Putting it through WMM seems to have worked, so I'm reuploading the prettier version (the one you can actually see) to yt. I'll get a dl'able version out tomorrow evening.
I'm getting "removed by user" message, Julie.
Go Down You Blood Red Roses. Not a happy fic. Not even a complete fic, really. But another part of that saga.