hah! I just opted for Southland. That was enough whiplash after watching Raising Hope just prior.
Oh look, Lucy Liu is playing a sarcastic self-absorbed "badass." I'm so glad she's stretching her career in new and unprecedented directions for this show.
she wasn't much of a badass when that giant of man was wailing on her. gah! that was painful to watch.
my later recording of Justified didn't record. grrrrr!!!
Okay, my White Collar love is back in full force. I don't have the same twitchy feeling I had at the beginning of last season. Everything was thick with both devotion and badassedness, and I feel it's all been set right again.
Have yet to watch Southland or Justified. I could only fit one in before work started this morning, and given the timing, I think I chose well.
Justified--that was a great start to the season. Wonderful,dryly humorous dialogue, complex, layered characters and lots of Olyphant with no shirt on. I will leave it up to you as to which of those things was most pleasing to me.
Justified was fantastic. Watching White Collar any minute now, and sort of glad I don't watch Southland, too, because Tuesdays are crazy enough.
I like all of these things, Scrappy. Why should you have to choose one?
Neal McDonough looks to be a great addition this season. Especially since we only got a little of him in Terriers.
It looks like a great part for him.
Aw, White Collar! They're back! That was a great way to open this season.
Wonderful, dryly humorous dialogue
I loved the exchange between Raylan and Art in the office. "Can't run, can't shoot -- what good are you?". And Art going, "that's my job, asshole" when Raylan offered to run points from the car.
I love Art. And the actor who plays him. I know he's been around for a long time but I don't think I'd seen him in anything before Justified.