Justified--that was a great start to the season. Wonderful,dryly humorous dialogue, complex, layered characters and lots of Olyphant with no shirt on. I will leave it up to you as to which of those things was most pleasing to me.
'Bring On The Night'
Cable Drama: Still Waiting for the Cable Guy to Show Up with the Thread Name...
To be determined... (but it's definitely [NAFDA])
Justified was fantastic. Watching White Collar any minute now, and sort of glad I don't watch Southland, too, because Tuesdays are crazy enough.
I like all of these things, Scrappy. Why should you have to choose one?
Neal McDonough looks to be a great addition this season. Especially since we only got a little of him in Terriers.
It looks like a great part for him.
Aw, White Collar! They're back! That was a great way to open this season.
Wonderful, dryly humorous dialogue
I loved the exchange between Raylan and Art in the office. "Can't run, can't shoot -- what good are you?". And Art going, "that's my job, asshole" when Raylan offered to run points from the car.
I love Art. And the actor who plays him. I know he's been around for a long time but I don't think I'd seen him in anything before Justified.
Yes, Art is perfect in that role.
And Art going, "that's my job, asshole" when Raylan offered to run points from the car.
Also one of my favorite moments. Art is the best.
Oh, and, "I'm sorry about your tablecloth."
I had to rewind the dinner scene a few times to make sure Ava got all the food out of that frying pan. I don't know why that, in particular, would be the thing I focussed on, but there it is.