Wonderful, dryly humorous dialogue
I loved the exchange between Raylan and Art in the office. "Can't run, can't shoot -- what good are you?". And Art going, "that's my job, asshole" when Raylan offered to run points from the car.
I love Art. And the actor who plays him. I know he's been around for a long time but I don't think I'd seen him in anything before Justified.
Yes, Art is perfect in that role.
And Art going, "that's my job, asshole" when Raylan offered to run points from the car.
Also one of my favorite moments. Art is the best.
Oh, and, "I'm sorry about your tablecloth."
I had to rewind the dinner scene a few times to make sure Ava got all the food out of that frying pan. I don't know why that, in particular, would be the thing I focussed on, but there it is.
I also loved the baby names discussion. Winona got to be less of a a pill and a bit funny, which made me like her more.
I approve of Ava embracing her own badassery.
And the look on Boyd's face in that last scene! I CANNOT wait to see Dickie get what's been coming to him for a long, long time. [/bloodthirsty]
Oh, and, "I'm sorry about your tablecloth."
I loved that too. I was 99% sure Raylan knew the icepick was coming, but I wasn't sure what he was going to do about it. What he did was perfect in its simplicity.
I CANNOT wait to see Dickie get what's been coming to him for a long, long time.
Right there with you. Jeremy Davies has done a good job of making him such a loathesome little toad.
And Dickie's never been to prison before, right?
Another line I loved - "You should have worn the suit."