You think? It just looked tiny and fuzzy to me. She didn't seem to stop and look at any of the pictures closely, is what I'm mainly going by, seemed like more of a "pictures of people I don't know" reaction than "Oh, look, my husband but someone else's name written on the back".
I'm interested to see what she does next. That she waited up for him with the box impressed me a little.
I think that the one of him standing by the car looked like him.
Also, some of the pictures are clearly family pics, and Don has told Betty that he has no family. She may also be hurt that he hasn't shared those pics with her.
I keep trying to put myself into Betty's head and I think maybe Don's Box o' Weirdness might add up to Leading a Double Life in Betty's accounting system - like maybe he has a whole other family stashed away somewhere.
Has anyone read The Group? Any shocking stuff in there that might inform her reaction?
The real Don Draper's wife knows about Betty, right? So if Betty shows up at her doorstep, she can cover.
The real Don Draper's wife knows about Betty, right? So if Betty shows up at her doorstep, she can cover.
I can't imagine what cover story she'd be able to come up with on the spot if Betty showed up with her divorce papers.
She knows Betty exists, I'm not sure if she knows what she looks like. If B. shows up and introduces herself, definitely.
I feel like Don brought Anna a picture of Betty when he came to ask for a divorce, but my memories of that ep are pretty fuzzy.
Did they get the divorce just in time for Don to marry Betty?
Eta: me, too. I know he was all giddy and besotted talking about her, there might have been a picture but I'm not sure.
Did they get the divorce just in time for Don to marry Betty?
I think they got it before Don asked her, but yeah, I'm sure Betty would have noticed a suspiciously short amount of time before Don's divorce and their wedding.
Mrs. Real!Draper could spin a pretty good tale out of half-truths - we were young, he was going off to war and we got married in a rush, when he came back we hardly knew each other and separated but we didn't legally divorce until he met you and fell in love. If she would want to is another question.