did not seem relieved at all. She didn't want the wedding, but she wanted him. And her delay and freak out wasn't doubt, in my view, but it was really not knowing what to say.
Burke has a point on one level. I mean he is constantly prodding her and has his own doubts too.
Damn. If there is no
Burke next season I will be bereft. I loved that character.
Yeah, I thought that was a real
I'm-going-to-fuck-this-up freakout at the wedding. This being the wedding, not the marriage. Remember, Cristina doesn't fail well. And she doesn't do things she's not good at. So this whole wedding - I think she never really got why it was so important, but still, accepted that it was. And found herself completely out of her depth. She would never make a mistake like forgetting about the vows when she scrubbed in if it was something surgery related.
I'm trying to find some more sympathy for
Burke, because, you know, it's not a crime to care about your wedding. And god knows Cristina can't be easy to live with. But I feel like he grabbed onto doubts whenever she didn't hit it out of the park on all these things, without seeing how far she'd come just to almost get it right. And maybe that's it - Cristina doesn't fail. So Burke sees her failing (or, rather, not doing it perfectly) and figures she obviously doesn't care enough. Which - doesn't really make me like him any more. So much for that little exercise.
Also WRT GA, I keep forgetting to note that Marti Noxon is an executive producer.
Burke. I don't know. He acted rashly or he thought about what his mom had said and took the opening to act on his doubts. Poor Cristina.
GA: I think
Burke honestly thought that in trying to be more what he wanted Christina was diminishing herself. Which, not really his call I'd say, and possibly a rationalization for his own unexamined doubts, but ta least trying not to be self-centered.
Holy crap. All of my Vegas stories from this trip are bathroom related!
We went with a woman who HAD to see all of the top 10 bathrooms in Vegas from the show they did on the Travel Channel. For reals. I think we managed to see one with her before we struck out on our own.
Seriously? She was so freaking yucky.
If she was that nonchalant about her own hygiene, why so picky about the stall?
I confess to taking a picture inside the bathroom at the ... Paris? Hotel in Vegas. It was so pretty!
Nothing I hate more than people who leave their pee all over the bathroom. It serves her right that she took some with her.
-t, I can totally see that. Also,
I think Burke was relative sure (mistakenly) that Cristina might not go through with it. (yes certainty and might aren't mixy) It could have been his doubts and his desire to save face. better to leave then be left and all that.
If she was that nonchalant about her own hygiene, why so picky about the stall?
Exactly. I was just stunned and sort of aghast.
The only time I can recall taking a picture inside a bathroom was at The Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo.
There was some restaurant in NYC that we went to last year that had an entirely black bathroom, including black toilet paper. Can't remember where that was, but it was freaky. Someone told me about a club where the stall doors are made of glass that fogs up when the door is closed and clears when it's opened. I'm not sure how comfortable I'd feel there.
Nothing I hate more than people who leave their pee all over the bathroom.
Oh completely. But I wanted to say to her, "You're profoundly yucky. And I can't believe you almost peed on my foot even though I was in another stall. Perhaps you don't have the quads to perch above the seat, but, lady, you don't even have the aim."