Happy Birthday Megan!
Happy Anniversary, JZ and David!
I seem to have shaken off the post-vacation blahs, as I ate 4 meals yesterday and got to work within 15 minutes of the time I'm actually supposed to be here. God, if I'm not careful I'll actually start working at my desk this morning...
Birthday happies for Megan!
Happy Zmayhemiversary!
Happy Birthday, Megan! and Happy Anniversary to JZ and Hec!
Man, it's hot in my office today. I think they're trying to kill me.
I don't know, but I'm about to go fix myself some oatmeal too.
Meeting with a mortgage corp at lunch today. Eep!
Bloggers v. Newspapers re: Book Reviews.
oh dear. there was a kitten meowing like MAD outside this morning. And last night. I finally went in search of and it was hanging out on my neighbors' porches, wearing a flea collar. no ID. LOUD!
I brought a little food and water out but...it's just so little...and cars and...so I brought it in and put it in my back room. Now I have to go hang some signs I guess.
I do not need a kitten. AT ALL! Nor do I need to figure out how to adopt out a kitten this week.
but it was so little! And loud!
The problem with loud kittens is they often turn into loud cats.
The problem with loud kittens is they often turn into loud cats.
Well this little one may have mostly been disturbed about being caught outside w/ no food or water. man...I really hoped he sneaked out of one of my neighbors' houses and they come get him soon. or her.
A flea collar usually indicates that someone cares about it, so let's hope it's reunited with its person soon.
In the meantime, here's a handy illustration of knots and how to do them: