Also, I didn't mean to disparage Al-Anon, if I did upthread.
I didn't read it as disparaging. I never went to Al-Anon or to ACoA meetings, or anything. My mother went to Al-Anon for a while. It helped her some at first, but after a while she didn't need it. She tried to encourage me to go to Ala-teen at one point, but I rejected the idea of me attending meetings because my father had an alcohol addiction. Also, for an alcoholic home, our home was fairly functional. I already "got" that it's a disease, that it wasn't my fault, that I couldn't control it, and that I did not have to be ashamed, nor did I have to enable the drinking or pretend it was normal. I had good friends. I did well in school. I didn't get in much trouble. I went to church and youth group. I was pretty happy.
My mind went all blank when he's around, because it's just natural for me to think of the cool things to say 10 mins after the fact.
I didn't manage to get him my cell number, but I did make sure he had my direct line. And I saw him and grinned and as he came through the door he said "You just made my day" so I went all melty.
Little gooey puddles of askye all around. And I learned he does go by a nickname and not his full first name.
Um, if people want more details there will be more detailed squee in my livejournal.
He said he gets off at 6 and I should have totally used that as an opening for drinks after work but that will be in the future.
We love the squee. I must have someone to live vicariously through!
And carrots are a vegetable, so it's good for us too.
My mom arrives for a week tomorrow and my house is a disaster. And the allergies are fierce today. Yeah, today's gonna keep being fun. But in yay? My thumb seems to be shrimp-free!
I imagine you've seen this already PC, [link]
I saw that one of the graduate winners was from Ann Arbor. Were you in the same program, or another?
I just got my confirmation from the airline for my trip to Orlando in September. Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Thanks, dad!!!!
He said he gets off at 6 and I should have totally used that as an opening for drinks after work but that will be in the future.
Good that you didn't. It leaves time for him to be thinking about you and preparing to ask you out--which I predict he totally will!
He said he gets off at 6 and I should have totally used that as an opening for drinks after work but that will be in the future.
no need to rush. he's clearly interested, he'll be back.
Okay, third time trying to post. Who broke the interweb?
Huh. Okay, I can't explain that.
Wasn't your mom just there for a week?
Yay askye with the lovely attention. Whee! Feel free to squee.