Well fuck.
L came in today and apparently she has to start chemo again on Friday. Her doc is not putting her back on disability, hoping she can still work part time through this. She is struggling enough with the work as it is - I'm full of dread. Both for her health and for the work. That rock in my stomach just got 10 times heavier and I'm not the one who has cancer.
Oh, shit, Suzi. That's awful.
Oh, Suzi, I'm so sorry! That sounds like it will be hard on everyone, L especially, of course, but also you.
Thanks for the plane~ma, it worked pretty quickly!
I'm looking forward to hearing that the apartment (which one did you go with?) is yours yours yours, sj.
Suzi -- how sucky for everyone.
Aw, crap, Suzi. I'm sorry.
Many sympathies, Suzi and L.
I feel bad for feeling bad. I feel bad for worrying about the work. I am so tired of work stress.
Suzi, if you got this other job, would this stuff no longer be *your* work stress?
vw - Only the more human side and not the work side.
eta - I mean, I wouldn't be as directly responsible for the work - but I'd still stress over her health as a person.