Oh, Suzi, I'm so sorry! That sounds like it will be hard on everyone, L especially, of course, but also you.
Thanks for the plane~ma, it worked pretty quickly!
I'm looking forward to hearing that the apartment (which one did you go with?) is yours yours yours, sj.
Suzi -- how sucky for everyone.
Aw, crap, Suzi. I'm sorry.
Many sympathies, Suzi and L.
I feel bad for feeling bad. I feel bad for worrying about the work. I am so tired of work stress.
Suzi, if you got this other job, would this stuff no longer be *your* work stress?
vw - Only the more human side and not the work side.
eta - I mean, I wouldn't be as directly responsible for the work - but I'd still stress over her health as a person.
Suzi, it's a perfectly legitimate way to feel. The situation can't be easy on you. Since you aren't taking it out on L (who sounds like she's trying to make the best of a bad situation), I for one won't criticize.
I feel bad for feeling bad. I feel bad for worrying about the work. I am so tired of work stress
When you're dealing with ongoing health issues, it's a constant drain on your energy. You brace yourself for the expected slog through treatment, and it makes unexpected hits a dozen times more disorienting.
And no matter how true all that is, it won't keep you from feeling bad for the times when you can't cope. Human nature is such a lovely thing.