It was very exciting, and no fights! I thought they did that just for me.
Ha! You and my mom must be of the same mind about fights. Me, I love 'em. They make me giggle, which was apparenlty a little disturbing to the guy I sat next to. Hey, at least I wasn't yelling, "Hit 'im! Hit 'im!" all through the game, like *some* people.
Nora, quit being so productive. You're making the rest of us look bad!
Nora, quit being so productive. You're making the rest of us look bad!
Did you see the part about looking at real estate porn?
Feel better vw, and um, I hope they have silly fights in the game for you today.
Also, yay Aillean for doing the dancin' thang.
Hil's pictures were lovely, but the poppies are making me sleeeeepy again.
Well, yes, but that doesn't disqualify all of the other productive things. That's just part of morning routine, really.
(((vw))) Feel better.
Anne tons of -ma to your friend.
vw, I hope the migraine leaves you alone soon.
Much ~ma for Anne's friend, I hope everything ends up all right.
Good luck to your gran, askye.
I seem to have little else to say without a shower. Mooom, I don't want to work today!
I forgot to mention that coming in when I was all stressed out and finding Matilda pictures was a lovely thing. It is so fun to see JZ, Hec, and Emmett in her expressions. Unconscious killed me ded.
Nora, that's hard-core real estate porn right there.
The sun's coming out and it's supposed to be in the high 60's today. I'm going to get the kids dressed and take them out in the back yard. It will be muddy, but not too bad, I think.
I forgot to mention that coming in when I was all stressed out and finding Matilda pictures was a lovely thing. It is so fun to see JZ, Hec, and Emmett in her expressions. Unconscious killed me ded.
That's my favorite, too! Matilda is not only gorgeous, she has a PERFECTLY shaped little head, expressive eyes, porcelain skin and edible toes.
Nora, that's hard-core real estate porn right there.
I know! I have been eyeing that place for open house opportunities. I MUST see inside! Perhaps I will acquire a monocle and a WASPy inflection and get an appointment to see it.