Yeah. Longbow Hunters is Green Arrow, late-80s.
Does that have his hooking up with Black Canary, or was that just in the regular comics? (Always admired Oliver's taste in women - BC hits a LARGE number of my personal...tastes?...kinks?...certainly not vanilla).
I need the info on getting to the Angel finale (if it's still a go). If you did e-mail me, it didn't arrive, in which case let me know here.
Insent! Sorry, I've been distracted.
Also, if one wanted a crash course in Wally West...
MM might be a better source on Flash info than I, but there's an intersting page on him here.
Does that have his hooking up with Black Canary,
Oh yeah. That was when they had their thing.
Insent! Sorry, I've been distracted.
No worries. I'm still not 100%, but I'd like the option (and I have Thursday off if I want it).
Also, if one wanted a crash course in Wally West...
Geez. I think all the early Mark Waid stuff is in trades, and that was really the pinnacle. I've dropped off the Flash for awhile, but I hear the current Geoff Johns stuff is great. Just wary of picking up another book.
Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't recommend the early Marv Wolman/George Perez stuff in Titans, which went a long way toward defining him as Kid Flash (Plus, the wicked weird Kid Flash/Raven romance.) And, of course, "Crisis on Infinite Earths," which brought Wally out of retirement and had him replace Barry Allen as the Flash.
Drat. That's right. That's the torrent that I tried getting before I left for SF. No seeds. Ah well.
Victor, I think I have most of the W/P stuff around, and my battered "Crisis" is in the other room.
Victor, I think I have most of the W/P stuff around, and my battered "Crisis" is in the other room.
Way cool. They really set the stage, and then Mark Waid just ran with it.
Does that have his hooking up with Black Canary, or was that just in the regular comics? (Always admired Oliver's taste in women - BC hits a LARGE number of my personal...tastes?...kinks?...certainly not vanilla
Actually, that is one of their major breaks of their relationship. Longbow Hunters was an attempt to "Dark Knight Returns" the Ollie character, and it mostly succeeded. He gave up his trick arrows at this time and his relationship with Shado, female ninja bow and arrow assassin dates from this time...