CaBil beat me to it. Longow Hunters was written and drawn by Mike Grell, and was kind of a Dark Night Returns for Green Arrow. It was followed by the launching of the Green Arrow series (the first solo books for GA, except for a four-issue mini back in 1984). Grell wrote the first 80 issues of this run (it goes to about 134 or so), and drew the first year himself. Grell's take at the time, as CaBil pointed out, was to get away from the trick arrows and "cartoony" aspects of the character, and in fact, none of the other DC superheroes appeared during Gell's run. I've been working my way through the individual issues as I haven't found any trade collections.
Green Arrow was my re-entry point into the DC Universe, and led to me picking up a few issues of Detective, and that's all she wrote. In fact, it was the GA #5 (of the current run), where Batman had knocked Ollie out and took him to the Batcave because he had returned from the dead, that is responsible for this descent into madness for me.
I am certainly glad to see everyone jumping on the comics bandwagon. I've been reading most of the Bat-family comics in a vacuum, so it's great to get some excellent critical analysis. Now I just have to go find my back issues and re-read so I can keep up with the conversation.