I had Batgirl No Man's Land in my hand today! But I was good and put it down.
I'll have to ask about the trade for The Outisiders, I bought #11 and #9 today. Despite the fact I was confused I really liked it. Also GCPD---who said it was like Homicide because I got that kind of feel.
Crap. I have more to read, and it's Angel night, and I just want to wallow in Nightwing.
You have transitioned already, haven't you? It's like they set up this schedule just to highlight your shift in fandom loyalties. (aka obsessions)
It is like Homicide.
Only on paper, and with the occasional guy in tights.
You have transitioned already, haven't you? It's like they set up this schedule just to highlight your shift in fandom loyalties. (aka obsessions)
Yeah. I have. It's weird.
Me! I said it.
And I have nothing left to contribute because I am not caught up in Nightwing.
Ummm, except in the Outsiders the blue girl is called Indigo and she is an alien, the stretchy guy is called Metamorpho and he has another name (Rex?) - but he's not really Rex he's something that grew from some of Rex' tissue. He's like a clone of Rex. Arsenal, i.e., Roy -- is the blond and he used to be the Green Archer's assistant. The green girl is Jade and she is the Green Lantern's daughter. The tattooed woman is Grace and she used to tend bar and get in fights. (I don't really know her back story.) The last woman is Thunder and she can make herself really really dense and her father was a super hero named Black Lightning.
Does that help?
Plei, what happened to Nightwing? I'm concerned all out of proportion to my actual investment in these fictional characters.
No, wait... my investment in these ficitonal characters has grown all out of proportion to REALITY. Dammit.
Metamorpho and Black Lightning were in the original Outsiders, which was run by Batman.
Nightwing and Arsenal were teammates in the Teen Titans up until recently -- it broke up when the artist formerly known as Wonder Girl was killed.
Metamorpho and Black Lightning were in the original Outsiders, which was run by Batman.
Art by Alan Davis. His first American series after Marvelman/Miracleman, if I recall.
blue girl is called Indigo and she is an alien
Actually, Indigo's not an alien. She's an android from the future.
Yeah, I know. That's lots better.
The tattooed woman is Grace and she used to tend bar and get in fights. (I don't really know her back story.)
Grace was a bouncer at a club for metahumans, and that's pretty much the only backstory that exists on her. Except that she knows a Hell of a lot of super-heroes, and has slept with, at the very least, Arsenel, Green Arrow (Oliver Queen version) and Plastic Man.
Okay, Indigo was some sort of assassin android from the future, right? Who was somehow reprogrammed or something to not be just an assassin? (At the same lab where they grew Metamorpho, I think.)