Ahem. Plei? I went to the comic store after work, rushed home, read Nightwing #93, and have been going batshit ever since. EEeeeeeeee!
Having said that, I'm gonna be wanting
some damn Dick comfort sex fic to come of this arc.
At least, in the fan fic. Because I don't think
the more-than-kinda-icky Tarantula sex on the roof
Shrift, no shit. Though
if he continues to have icky, twisted, uncomfortable, fully-clothed, kiss-free, yet somehow oddly hot broken sex, I'll be cool with that.
Huh. This, umm...
hit some of the buttons Faith torturing Wes hit
some of the buttons that Buffy and Spike hit in Smashed
some new buttons I didn't know I had
I'm kind of ashamed of that because this was SO FUCKING WRONG,
so inevitable.
That wasn't
, that was
rape, more or less.
At least that's how I read it.
Well, as Shrift knows,
given that we've had this discussion about Wes and Faith and exactly what she did to him,
it hits a weird
fucked up narrative kink of mine. Which, if I think about it, isn't even about sex so much as it is about the way in which it twists and fucks with various assumptions the characters have about themselves and that we as readers have about the characters. It's hard to explain it on my lack of sleep.
(and, in bad form, I was carrying over some thoughts I'd had in chat w/Shrift into thread)
I think
what happened is wrong, very wrong, exceedingly wrong (my own kinks aside--and don't get me wrong, I was as horrified as I was fascinated), I'm now stuck on "huh, so, where exactly are they going with this, given what they've revealed in the promos for upcoming issues?" aspect, which I do think could possibly be something like S6 BtVS if it had actually been done correctly.
The tough part's going to be
now that Devin Grayson has broken him, how she's going to manage to put him back together. I don't think there's much more bottom for him to hit. This is nadir, or should be.
Which, of course,
just makes me wonder what sort of changes this will cause, long-term.
yes, I don't get how he can be put back together again. What is the time-frame for this? I've just read 75-93 and it seems like it was actually w/i this very short period of time. (For the characters.)
OK, I've read
Or at least the first three tpbs. That's one skanky-ass cat.
Also, Unclear Thesis City. I mean, I've laughed and I've cried (really), but from page to page I'm not sure what the author's point is, or what Spider's point is. Which is okay for Spider; he's inconsistent and just maybe on one long tear-assing rant. But Warren Ellis seems to have some points to make, and I'm having a hard time pulling them out. Do people suck? Are people basically redeemable?
The one point I think I'm fairly sure of is We Haven't Learned From The Past.
Still, I'm enjoying the heck out of them.
Plei, I haven't decided yet whether I get the
Wes/Faith vibe off Nightwing and Tarantula,
and I think this is partly to do with the fact that I cared about
Faith, but Tarantula? Not so much.
I may have to re-read the issue a couple ten more times to decide.
Shrift, I can see where
that would make a difference. Though, really, the smothering creepy part is that (getting more into S6 Spike here) Catalina seems to think she's doing the right thing, where Faith... didn't.
Oh. Now that you put it that way --
you're totally right about Catalina.
And it kinda makes it that much more
I have the feeling this is gonna have me running in mental circles for a good long while.
Oh, yeah. My brain won't stop buzzing about this one for a while.
I mean, I'm up at quarter of seven, my time. And still thinking about it.