one of them was Halle's awful "toad" bit.
The delivery messed up that line, though. It hadn't occurred to me until I read the Onion interview.
JW: [re X-Men] there are a couple of lines left in that are out of context and make no sense, or are delivered so badly, so terribly... There's one line that's left the way I wrote it.
O: Which is?
JW: "'It's me.' 'Prove it.' 'You're a dick.'" Hey, it got a laugh.
O: It's funny that the only lines I really remember from that movie are that one and Storm's toad comment.
JW: Okay, which was also mine, and that's the interesting thing. Everybody remembers that as the worst line ever written, but the thing about that is, it was supposed to be delivered as completely offhand. [Adopts casual, bored tone.] "You know what happens when a toad gets hit by lightning?" Then, after he gets electrocuted, "Ahhh, pretty much the same thing that happens to anything else." But Halle Berry said it like she was Desdemona. [Strident, ringing voice.] "The same thing that happens to everything eeelse!" That's the thing that makes you go crazy. At least "You're a dick" got delivered right. The worst thing about these things is that, when the actors say it wrong, it makes the writer look stupid.
More reasons to hate Halle.
I thought, from what Joss had said, that part of the reason his entire script got tossed was that they were already pretty far along in pre-production when he did his rewrite. That they had loved his script but it didn't gel with where they already were.
Then again, I was really drunk so I could be remembering wrong.
The delivery messed up that line, though.
I have a hard time imagining that line as good in any delivery, but I do agree that Halle's couldn't have been any more wrong, which is why I said "Halle's awful 'toad' bit" as opposed to Joss'. Just to be clear.
I can see the line as being completely unremarkable, delivered as intended. Which would do wonders for Joss's box score, since the "You're a dick" was hands down my favourite of the movie. "The same thing that happens to anything else." keeps his average squarely at zero, since it was the only other line I remembered, for opposite reasons.
But, it does mean I got to see Joss trash Halle in print, so it may almost have been worth it. Especially if she's too special to make #3 and gets recast.
"You're a dick" was definitely one of the best lines in the first movie, so yeah, Joss can hold his head up high on that one.
"I am psychic, you know," was also a pretty memorable line, IMHO.
Kitty Pryde? Is that Shadowcat? (showing knowledge of X-Men that is lacking). Do you guys see the influences of Kitty on Buffy?
Do you guys see the influences of Kitty on Buffy?
Well,they're both spunky.
I think Kitty would be more an influence on Willow than Buffy.
Well, he may be thinking about the classic Kitty Pryde character.
She sort of went off to join Excalibur, the UK branch of mutant-dom, for most of the late 80s and 90s, and started shagging Pete Wisdom, an older, ex-spook mutant of some indeterminate power. They rebooted her in the late 90s, brought her back to her, umm, more innocent state and last I checked, she was taking classes in a Chicago area university.