Annotations for 1602.4? What's up with the black cat with fangs?
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I'm going through the annotations, and:
"He could not, however, “make people see things that are not there.”
Xavier can't do that? Ever?
Is anyone going to explain the X-verse? I've been reading Grant Morrison's New X-Men tpbs, and we recently picked up an Uncanny X-Men tpb which appears to be marginally related, at best (not to mention, is rather crappily written).
Are annotations for 1602.4 up yet? (Just got it at lunch. Very confuzzled.)
Trying to explain the X-verse is like trying to catch an otter with an oiled up pair of barbarecue tongs. The best you can hope for is that one series when written by a single author is consistent, that's about it.
Uncanny and X are written by two different authors, usually, and usually try to focus on different team members. Uncanny usually tries to focuse on the old-school members and the X-men tries to focus on the X-men in general...
There's also at least one other x-verse, where some of the characters are younger, and one where Prof X is a captive of Magneto's.
Ultimate X-men, I think. The Ultimate series of titles are reconceptualizations of core Marvel characters in the modern day. For instance, Ultimate Spider-Man has Peter Parker still in High School, and so on...
What's the one where Spidey's young, and meeting Wolverine for the first time? Too many adjectives.
What's the one where Spidey's young, and meeting Wolverine for the first time?
I believe that's in Marvel Needs to Clear Out the Contradictory Canon Cruft a la Crisis on Infinite Earths
What's the one where Spidey's young, and meeting Wolverine for the first time? Too many adjectives.
I think that was an Ultimate Spider Man issue, but it may have been an Ultimate X-Men. I'm only following in trades (slowly), so I haven't caught that yet.
I believe that's in Marvel Needs to Clear Out the Contradictory Canon Cruft a la Crisis on Infinite Earths
Actually, the Ultimate line of books is establishing its own separate canon, away from regular Marvel U continuity. Rather than clearing out it's own universe with a Crisis, as DC did, Marvel just added a whole new line of books.
The regular Marvel Universe continuity is a shambles. It's best to think (IMHO) that each title has its own continuity, with just the barest reflections of events happening in other titles.