Which makes me wonder where Sue is?
Anywhere she wants to be, I guess. Your assertion about the guy in the water sounds right, but how does that stop him from doing his thing?
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Which makes me wonder where Sue is?
Anywhere she wants to be, I guess. Your assertion about the guy in the water sounds right, but how does that stop him from doing his thing?
Rereading 1602 #4, I have some ideas, but I thought the spoiler rule was a week. I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Whitefont for a week, right?
The blurb at the front of the thread says "Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release." I'm not sure if that means whitefont is OK during the first week or no whitefont for a week. I'm so confused.
ETA: But apparently not confused enough to avoid being slutty.
On edit: With 1602, we've been having whitefonted discussions starting on day of release, so if you have speculation/analysis, please do share.
I have to re-read, but I was quite amazed at how much happened in this issue. It was also great to see even a little bit of the Fantastic Four. It's interesting that Doom isn't disfigured in this timeline. It also seems that Reed has some inkling about why things are happening.
Other things I noted:
What's up with the pterodactyls?
It seems that Bruce Banner is working for Not-King-Yet James. I wonder if James will do something to piss him off. That could be fun.
So, the Black Widow betrayed Daredevil. Not a surprise by any stretch of the imagination.
Peter seems to be getting beat up quite a bit. This amuses me.
justkim, it probably needs to be made clear, but the practice has been whitefont for the first week.
Anne, the pterodactyls made me think of the Savage Land. Seems whatever went wrong went wrong before colonisation started, then.
In unrelated (and old!) news -- Donna Troy is dead! I'm so hurt by this. I liked her.
Oh good.
The boom-maker is definitely The Thing, based on Murdoch's song in this installment and the fact that Doom calls the boom-maker Captain.
Also, based on Natasha's comments at the end, I don't know that Reed has the will to trick Doom, but I'm sure I'll be wrong on that point.
If Virginia has been out for a week, then the Queen's been "dead" for about 4 or 5 days. The fact her closest court officers (Fury and Strange) aren't with her seems to indicate she is dead. If the poison only makes her appear dead, someone (maybe Invisible Girl?) should be with her to take care of her, although I'll be surprised that the shock to her system doesn't kill the Queen if that's the case. IOW, maybe she's not dead, but I'm inclined to think she is. However, I am always wrong with things like this.
I'm also wondering what's up with the pterodyctls and dinosaurs.
In unrelated (and old!) news -- Donna Troy is dead! I'm so hurt by this. I liked her.
Hee! ita's behind the times. Don't worry, odds are it won't last.
There was an interview with Scott Allie, the editor of Dark Horse's horror line (and Conan), here at the Pulse. Most of the interview deals with the Conan relaunch, but he had this to say about the upcoming Tales of the Vampires:
THE PULSE: What's coming up in Buffy?
ALLIE: The new thing is a series overseen and partly written by Joss called Tales of the Vampires. All the writers on the series are from the TV show, and we're telling stories of vamps throughout the ages. After that, Joss is gonna give us some direction on where to take the comics series after Season Seven, but we haven't worked that out yet.
Annotations for 1602.4? What's up with the black cat with fangs?
I'm going through the annotations, and:
"He could not, however, “make people see things that are not there.”
Xavier can't do that? Ever?