How many issues of 1602 are planned? Do we know?
Got and read #2 today. The last panel actually made me feel sorry for the character in it. I've been flashing on it all day, thinking "Poor dear!"
Some nice art, esp. the light blue eyes of the Grand Inquisitor in the shadow of his hood. I'm not thrilled with the outfits worn by Javier's students, but maybe the anachronistic stuff is part and parcel of Gaiman's whole idea.
So I picked up Angel Season 2 while I was out today. Came home to find my Fray 1 through 8 and 1602 #1 that I'd bought off Ebay had arrived (as well as a Suncoast coupon I could have used when I bought the Angel DVDs. Argh!). Looks like I have a long weekend of sloth ahead of me.:) And then I'll finally be able to contribute to/understand the Fray and 1602 discussions. Whee!:)
Annotations for 1602.2 are now up.
Hmmph. I have two nits to pick with the commentary:
- Beast is now "blue-furred and brutish-looking" -- he wasn't always -- he used to look like he does here
- my ASS that's not Snowbird ... I know there's supposed to be a cutoff point, but ... didn't Snowbird do that?
I e-mailed to the guy on the second point, and he said that it couldn't possibly be that character because
"Gaiman said in interviews that he's not using characters created after 1969, and Snowbird was created after 1969, so Dare can't be Snowbird."
I don't buy that at all. There is no other possiblility, unless it's someone totally new. She sure ain't
the Hulk...
Is there a cite for Gaiman's date, and when did that character first appear?
It's just that ... she walks like a duck, you know?
The only place I've seen the cite is in his annotations for issue #1.
It's just that ... she walks like a duck, you know?
Tries to remember if Howard the Duck makes the cut off...
DX, I found this from a June Marvel press conference:
As for other characters, Gaiman said that he ended around 1969 in regards to when characters originally debuted - although there are many others included for those who look.
Which leads me to think annotations guy is wrong.
We shall see.
I've got a feeling that Ms Dare is sitting in the middle of an entire vat of red herrings, and that the question of who or what she is supposed to be is the crux of 1602.
For one thing, she is based and named on an actual historical character. But, in the real world, this character would have been dead for more than a decade, so her existence in this timeline may have something to do with whatever started the Marvel universe centuries ahead of time.
Another thing is that up until Ms Dare turned into Hooty the Killer Owl, there were plenty of indications that she was that century's equivalent of Storm. I think that the Snowbird thing is another misdirection.
I was going to say that Snowbird was a pretty minor character to be used in such a major role, but then again, Gaiman did an entire miniseries focused on Black Orchid, so maybe this is another case of him playing with an under-appreciated character.