What indications were there that Virginia was Storm? I'm all over Ororo Monroe, but apart from white hair, I don't see it.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
On Virginia Dare, I never saw an intentional storm connection, except maybe the hair. For a moment in 1602 No. 2, I was thinking Gwen Stacy, but that seemed odd. Snowbird works, for any reason except artificially imposed meta ones. One of my favorite possibilities is that Snowbird is mystically bound to the land--ostensibly Canada, but I can accept a fudge-- so if it is her, her seperation from the North American Continent should start threatening her life. It makes her, like, Capt. America, a perfect herald from the New World, but serves to complicate her story. Also, I'm an old Alpha Flight fan, so I'm definitely rooting...
ita, when Dr. Strange had his vision about the cause of the strange weather plaguing England, he had a vision of Virginia. In #2, the Queen mentions that Virginia brought good weather with her. Yeah, it's pretty minor, but it's there.
I'm learning sooooo much about this comic universe, man. I feel so edjumacated.
Hmm. I will be so mad if they whitefy Storm.
Why? You just did .
(edited to add visible period)
And don't think I'm not mad at me for doing so.
kicks self
The other part of Jane Espenson's Jonathan comic is up at the BBC. Is that all?
OK, it appears that Salt Lake now only has 2 comic shops. THis is a city of over a million people (well, in the metro area) and only 2 places to buy 1602? This is just wrong.
Okay, now I'm envisioning what a Mormon-specific comic book shop's stock would be like.
Remember that Snowbird's mother was Nelvanna, the Inuit goddess of the Northern Lights. Might have something to do with clearing the skies of bad weather.