Goddamn Tivo accidentally recorded an hour of "Modern Marvels" instead of last night's Lost - I'm dl'ing the torrent but fear the quality will be too crappy to see anything good.. Any tape fairies out there who could send me a VHS? I can trade Angel finale and/or last two eps of Wonderfalls..
Willow ,'Storyteller'
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
arby -- there is some chance that they will repeat the episode on Saturday. Assuming that they didn't repeat last week's episode this past Saturday - - you know?
Yeah, I checked the listings (on Tivo) and it says ABC is playing something stupid on Saturday instead (it would have been at 8, right?) - anyway under Upcoming Episodes on Lost it says there are none :( waa. Ima go check zaptoit now.
arby, you can have my tape of Lost. Send me your address and I'll drop it in the mail.
eternally grateful dcp; insent
Ouch. I stupidly didn't set the VCR Wednesday, thinking I'd be home in time, and thus missed recording Lost. If anyone can help me out with a tape of Solitary, and while I'm asking, I need the first two eps, too... I can trade stuff. profile addy is good.
Does anyone have a copy of tonight's Desperate Housewives? My DVR didn't record it. I would be very grateful for a copy.
X-posted to OMGWTF, my Tivo was feeling suicidal tonight, and so decided to tape the 2-hour Apprentice special instead of Lost. Can someone help? I'll give you cookies...
I forgot to tape tonight's episode of House, titled "Damned If You Do." Can anyone send me a copy?
Would some kind, HBO-subscribing person be willing to tape at least the first few episodes of Carnivale for me? I am willing to pay for tapes and postage in cash or baked goods.