Would some kind, HBO-subscribing person be willing to tape at least the first few episodes of Carnivale for me? I am willing to pay for tapes and postage in cash or baked goods.
Anya ,'Potential'
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Anne, when does it run? I don't normally watch it, but I could probably DVR and dump to tape for you.
Or take this as an excuse to get the DVD recorder I want.
Eek! Something screwed up the timeslots on Tivo and the back-to-back recordings of Lost and Alias missed the last few moments of Lost, plus the teaser for next week. I don't suppose anyone would be able to provide a DVD copy of Lost, would they? Please? My email is in my profile.
Hiddensky - It's not at the beginning of the TIVO'ed Alias? That's how I caught the end of Lost...
No, something odd happened (and I've heard it happened to others w/Tivo). The Tivo only recorded Lost for 1:01, although the guide data said the show was 1:03. Alias picked up as the Touchstone logo flashed off the air. :(
Well, my local UPN station pre-empted Veronica Mars this week for basketball. They were supposed to air the ep tonight at 9. Note I said =supposed to=. They are currently airing a re-run of the show instead of the ep shown elsewhere on Tuesday.
Could someone help me out and get me a tape of the right ep? Profile e-mail is good.
Check your email, Sheryl.
Got it. Thanks!
Something (I blame ABC) frelled my TiVo's recording of Lost tonight. Anyone got a tape I can pay shipping on, please?
If you can wait that long, you can watch it when you come here.