Note: the plea above is for ep 2 of Firefly. Apparently I still can't autonomously get good reception on both Fox and WB on the living room antenna. Shouldn't happen again - we've got another tv/antenna/vcr in the bedroom.
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
You guys are the funniest losers, and I've got your back as soon as I defrost my tuckus.
Anyone in Somerville/Cambridge have Firefly (ep. 2) on tape? I worked late, assumed I missed it, got home at 10:30, vegged, turned on the TV, realized it had been postponed by a Sox game, and caught the last 10 minutes. Dammit.
Tapes lendage repaid with gratitude and chocolate (or other preferred comestible).
Ellen -- waving here! It's on the TiVo, you're welcome to come over anytime that's convenient, since I want to rewatch & with company it would be more fun, or I can run you a tape.
From the Due South thread:
Edit: Matt - would you like a tape fairy for Due South? I've got most of Seasons 1&2, the first 2 eps of season 3 and the finale.
Thanks Ellen! I think I'm OK with waiting on the DVDs for most of those (I've seen most everything but season 3 eps), but would be very grateful for a look at the series finale and the runaway train episode (with Leslie Nielsen) that it referenced. I'd be happy to supply you with a Firefly tape of your own in thanks, if it would save Connie some Tivo crosswiring effort.
Taking a long shot here: did anyone by chance tape the first episode of Scrubs from lats Thursday? We taped it but my wife taped over it before I had a chance to watch it.
I am looking for the following:
1. FFL/Darla which I accidently taped over with Angel
2. Wrecked, which I accidently taped over the bring down the house sex with WWF wrestling by hitting record instead of rewind when I was -- ahem-- studying the scene.
Smashed or Wrecked Sophia? I have both, bringing down the house sex was in Smashed, right?
oops-- I always get those two mixed up! Yes, Smashed.
I can get that to you Sophia. Profile addy is good.