Saffron: You're a good man. Mal: You clearly haven't been talking to anyone else on this boat.

'Our Mrs. Reynolds'


Jeff writes up the show promos for Buffy, Angel, and Firefly; he also does the Previouslys. Love him muchly, for he sees what we don't and reports it back to us.

Jeff Mejia - Mar 26, 2003 9:32:06 pm PST #66 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for next week's Angel episode, "Inside Out" :

Narrator: Next Wednesday...all their torment and pain has led to this moment.

Under the voice of the narrator, we get many quick shots of the gang from past episodes, with the color kind of washed out.

We first see Angel walking in the office.

Cut to Faith gasping in pain, reeling from the beating she took in "Salvage".

Cut to a shot of Wesley carrying Faith in his arms, during "Orpheus".

We see Angel walking in front of the Hyperion desk, with Lorne standing behind him, from "Awakening".

Cut to a shot of Connor in one of the Hyperion bedrooms, getting to his feet.

We see a shot of Cordelia's "ascension", from "Tomorrow".

We see Willow magically holding a ball of flame, from "Orpheus".

We see Angel's dream sequence of him meeting Cordelia at the beach, from "Deep Down".

Fade to black, then fade in (with normal color) on a shot of Darla, standing in front of a wooden wall.

Darla: "Listen to your heart."

Cut to a shot of Angel walking into a burned-out room, head down in grim determination.

Narrator: One choice...

We see a shot of Cordelia lying down on a bedspread and some pillows, looking pissed off.

Cut to a shot of Fred standing in the Hyperion lobby.

Fred: "He's going to kill Cordelia."

Cut to a shot of Cordelia lying on the ground, screaming.

Narrator: ...True love or the birth of the unthinkable.

We see Angel looking down on Cordelia, then bring a sword up above his head.

Cut to a shot of Wesley and Fred standing together in the lobby (in front of the elevator), as the ground begins to shake.

Cut to a shot of Angel, standing in a dark room as he turns back and to the left.

We see a shot of Fred, Gun, and Wesley, walking in a darkened room. Wesley has a flashlight and Gunn has a weapon (probably his axe).

Cut to a shot of Wesley stanind in the office doorway, as he falls down due to an earthquake hitting.

Cut back to Angel, as he reaches up to bring extra oomph as he brings his sword down.

Cut to a shot of Cordelia lying on the floor, flinching.

We see Angel standing in the Hyperion office, talking to the gang.

Angel: "Don't worry, a walk in the park."

Cut to multiple shots of Cordelia sceaming in agony, apparently due to labor pains.

Cordelia: "Aaaaaaghhh!"

We see Angel standing in the corner of a dark room. A lit candle hangs in a basket suspended from the ceiling. The occasional skull can be seen embedded in the walls.

Angel; "I really hate the park."

Cue the Angel logo.

Narrator: An all-new Angel, next week on the WB Wednesday night.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Apr 02, 2003 9:23:42 pm PST #67 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for next week's Angel episode, "Shiny Happy People" :

Narrator: Next Wednesday on the WB...

We open with a shot of Gina Torres as the New!Evil, as the glow fades from her birth.

Narrator: Her power is unparalled....

Cut to a shot of Angel, kneeling down. This appeas to be in the Hyperion lobby.

Pull back to reveal a wider shot of the Hyperion. Angel is kneeling at the far right. Standing next to him and weaing a painter's overalls is Wesley, as he kneels to the floor. Next to him is Fred. Gunn is leaning against the lobby desk behind Fred. He is also wearing painter's overalls. Next to him is Lorne, and furthest to the left of the shot is Connor. All of them are kneeling.

New!Evil (VO, ethereal): "With my help, all things are possible."

Cut to a shot of an outdoor courtyard at night. A group of people are gathered as the New!Evil walks through the crowd. The people all kneel as she approaches. She is escorted by Connor, Gunn, and Wesley. All are holding weapons (appear to be swords)

Narrator: Their devotion is undying...

Cut to a shot of the gang walking through a doorway into a warehouse, looking to be on the attack. Angel is at the forefront, with Connor, Wesley, and Gunn behind him.

Switch to a different warehouse, with various large machines. Angel is running down a central path between the machinery.

Switch to a fight scene in another large room. Angel is facing the camera as he swings his sword at an off-screen opponent. Wesley is behind him, facing in the other direction (therefore they are back-to-back, but separated by a bid to distance) as he appears to take a hit.

Fade out, then fade in on the New!Evil's smiling face as she looks down.

Reverse to a shot of a kneeling Angel, looking up at the New!Evil.

Angel: "I don't want to fail you again."

We see a shot of Fred, seated at the counter of a diner. The cook in the diner is looking up at something on the TV. Fred is looking away from the TV, out towards the rest of the diner, with a look of horror on her face.

Narrator: But only one will see the truth.

Fade out, then fade in on Fred, standing outside the doorway of the diner. She still has a look of horror on her face.

Fred (VO, whispering): "Oh my God!"

Pull out from Fred as she looks to her right. We notice that everyone in the diner is looking up at the TV and kneeling.

A shot overlaps that one as we pull further out to see the kneeling cutomers, and Fred is walking down a very empty street by herself.

Narrator: An all-new Angel, next week on the WB Wednesday night.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Apr 14, 2003 9:04:30 pm PDT #68 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

A little late to the game for some, but here is the promo breakdown for this week's Buffy episode, "Dirty Girls" (I couldn't post it during the downtime):

Narrator: The countdown has begun...

We open with a shot of Buffy walking around the room where the seal of Dazalthar is, from the scene where she threatened Andrew in "Storyteller". An orangeish, fiery glow colors the scene. Superimposed over the shot are the words THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN. Also superimposed over the shot is a pocket watch used as a pendulum.

Narrator: Buffy's final hour.

The first words fade out, and then a shot of Buffy in a black leather coat and a long sword fades in. This looks as if it's from "Selfless", when Buffy was going to take on Anya. The pendulum/pocket watch is still superimposed over the shot, and the words BUFFY'S FINAL HOUR are superimposed over the shot.

Narrator: Only 6 weeks are left.

We continue with a shot of Buffy, this time risning up, looking concerned about somehting. I can't place where this is from. The pendulum/pocket watch is still superimposed over the shot, and the words ONLY 6 WEEKS LEFT appear on the screen.

We get a very brief flash of three ghostly images of a face, in deep shadows. The images glow in kind of a greenish light and looks to consist of three identical faces lined up next to each other. The shot then flashes to its negative image, then back to the "normal" shot before disappearing.

Narrator: Next Tuesday, on an all-new Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

We open with a shot of Faith walking down a road, in front of a parked car with its lights on. It is a night shot, and as Faith moves closer to the camera, the opening guitar riff from George Michael's "Faith" can be heard underscoring the scene, as the UPN logo and the words NEXT TUESDAY are superimposed on the shot.

Cut to a close up of Faith from the side, as a fist comes into the scene and hits Faith on the cheek.

The camera pans left, then we get a scene wipe to show Buffy standing in the usual cemetary scene, at night, as she realizes Faith has appeared.

Buffy: "Faith? I didn't realize that was you."

Cut to a shot of Faith recovering from the punch, rubbing her chin and holding a wry smile on her face.

Faith: "That's all right, B. Luckily, you still punch like you used to."

What follows are some quick shots of Faith's past and a couple of new scenes. The montage is underscored by the "Faith" guitar riff.

Narrator: If you want to throw a really killer apocalypse...

We open with a shot of Faith and Buffy dancing in the Bronze, from "Bad Girls".

Cut to a shot of Faith bringing the tranquilizer rifle up as she aims at Oz, from "Beauty and the Beasts".

Switch to a shot of Buffy and Faith attacking a vamp nest in daytime, standing side by side, stakes at the ready. From "Bad Girls".

We see a shot of Faith in her apartment, working on a punching bag, from "Graduation Day 1".

Cut to Faith fighting Angel, from "Revelations".

We now switch to new scenes of Faith.

Narrator: gotta have Faith.

We see Faith in a cave setting, holding a loonng sword, have covered with blood. The words YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH are superimposed on the scene, so you can't really see much. It does look as though Faith has just pulled the sword out of something.

Cut to an interior shot, in one of the bedrooms at Casa Summers, as Faith takes her jacket off to reveal her cleavage.

Switch to a scene in the basement. This is shot from behind Spike, towards Faith. Faith is sitting on a table, facing Spike as she talks to hm, a cigarette in her hand. spike is shirtless.

Faith: "I figure if you can't beat 'em..."

Reverse to Spike, who is revealed to be chained up again.

Spike: "...join 'em."

Cut to a shot of Buffy, standing by the basement steps, as she turns her head towards the camera and gives a little shake of annoyance.

We end up back with the orangeish shot, this time of Buffy holding a stake. We see the Buffy logo, but underneath it are the words THE FINAL HOURS. Beneath the logo can be seen a clock face and the pocket watch/pendulum.

Narrator: These are the final hours of Buffy. UPN next Tuesday at 8, 7 Central.


Jeff Mejia - Apr 14, 2003 9:09:15 pm PDT #69 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

And here is the promo breakdown for this week's Angel episode, "The Magic Bullet" (also lost during the downtime):

Narrator: Next Wednesday, on the WB....

We open up on a shot of Connor and Angel, standing together and singing into a microphone. They are in the Hyperion lobby.

Angel and Connor (singing, badly, to the tune of Barry Manilow's "Mandy"): "So Jasmine, and you came and you -"

Pull back to reveal Connor and Angel standing next to a blond, long-haired man playing a guitar.

Cut to a shot of an adoring crowd standing in the Hyperion lobby and swaying to the music. Wesley stands guard at the door in the back of the crowd.

Fade out, and fade in on a shot of Angle standing in (presumably) Cordelia's room and looking down.

An image of Jasmine, with her eyes closed, fades in and out over the scene.

A shot of Wesley, standing in the lobby, with his eyes closed, fades in and out.

The image of Jasmine fades in completely and she opens her eye.

Narrator: They rejoice in their leader, but the truth...

Cut to a split screen shot. On the left, we see Jasmine, with her eyes open, looking pissed off. In the other section of the screen (over her shoulder, but obviously a different shot), we see Wesley, Lorne, and Gunn standing in the Hyperion lobby. Connor is seated on a sofa facing the guys with his back to the camera.

Cut to a shot of Angle leaning against a wall (the one with the ariel photographs of Los Angeles as wallpaper in the office), looking shocked at something off camera.

Flash, and we see Angel standing away from the wall and backing towards it, then cut back to the earlier shot of Angel looking shocked.

Angel: "No, it can't be."

Cut to a shot of Angel appearing from behind a desk (the hotel desk? a library desk?), carrying Fred in his arms as she appears to be unconscious.

Narrator: ...will set Angel free...

Fade out, then fade in on a close up on Fred with a big bruise on her forehead, near the left temple.

Fred: "I'm so sorry."

Cut to a shot of Angel and Fred standing in a dark room, talking to each other. The shot is from behind Fred, looking towards Angel.

Cut to a reverse angle, where we see Fred with her back to Angel. She suddenly spins around to face him.

Narrator: ...and into the arms of his only ally.

Fred moves up towards Angel and begins to kiss him, then Angel leans in and returns the kiss.

All-new Angel, next week on the WB Wednesday Night.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Apr 16, 2003 9:30:24 pm PDT #70 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for next week's Angel episode, "Sacrifice" :

Narrator: Next Wednesday on the WB...

We open with a shot of Angel and Wesley, standing in a sewer tunnle or concrete bunker. Welsey is holding a round, blue orb in his hands that is circled by a black material of some kind. Angel glances upwards, as though hearing something above him or far away.

Angel: "Something's goin' down."

Cut to a shot of Wesley climbing in the passenger seat of the Angelmobile. The rest of the gang are already inside it, and the top is up.

Narrator: On the run.

Cut to a shot of the car going in reverse, then doing a 180 to speed off away from the camera. The scene is at night (as was the previous shot).

Switch to a shot of two police cars, lights flashing, as they burn through the parking lot of a motel or strip mall, as though they are in pursuit.

Cut back to the scene in the sewer/bunker, only showing a close up of Angel.

Angel: "Something bad."

Fade to black, then fade in on a shot in the sewer tunnels. These are the smaller tunnels, only about head high or so, and rounded. Gunn leads the way, followed by Fred, then Lorne.

Narrator: Forced underground.

Flash some beams of light, then we fade to a shot of people in camoflage uniforms running through the tunnels, flashlights in hand.

More lights flash, then we cut to a shot of Jasmine standing in her hotel room, holding her arms open wide and laughing heartily, once could say evilly (if that's a word).

Cut back to the sewer/bunker scene. Now we see Angel, Wesley, Lorne, and Gunn leaning up against a door, trying to keep it shut.

Wesley: "Someone who knows the truth has to live through this."

Cut to another shot of the soldiers in the sewer tunnels with their flashlights.

Return to the door, only this time the people holding it shut are Fred, Wesley, Lorne, and Gunn. Wesley throws the blue orb back towards the camera, presumably to Angel.

Cut to a shot from the other side of the door, where we see the soldiers come out of the tunnel and approach it.

Flash back to see Angel catching the blue orb that Wesely threw to him.

Narrator: Only one can survive. The others - left behind.

Cut back to the other side of the door, where the soldiers appear to be trying to ram it open. Connor looks to be directing things.

Cut back to the gang holding the door up, as the camera (and Angel, presumably), moves away from them.

Switch back to the shot of Jasmine, laughing.

Finish with a shot of Angel standing before a large sewer screen, looking upwards.

Angel: "That thing is really pissing me off."

Cut the Angel logo.

Narrator: All-new Angel, next week on the WB Wedenesday night.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Apr 22, 2003 9:07:58 pm PDT #71 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown of next week's Buffy episode, "Empty Places" :

Narrator: Acuvue-cam presents a preview of next week's Buffy the Vampire Slayer....

As the opening scenes that we've seen in the previous promos for the final episodes scroll across the screen, we here the song "Goodbye to You", sung by Michelle Branch, as the backing music. (That was the song that ended the episode "Tabula Rasa"

Goodbye to you,
Goodbye to everything that I knew...

We open with a shot of Buffy walking around the room where the seal of Dazalthar is, from the scene where she threatened Andrew in "Storyteller". An orangeish, fiery glow colors the scene. Superimposed over the shot are the words THE COUNTDOWN IS ON. Also superimposed over the shot is a pocket watch used as a pendulum.

That scene fades out, and another scene fades in, this time shot of Buffy in a black leather coat and a long sword fades in. This looks as if it's from "Selfless", when Buffy was going to take on Anya. The pendulum/pocket watch is still superimposed over the shot. The THE COUNTDOWN IS ON words disappear, and they are replaced by ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT. The words stay on the screen while the scene fades out, and we continue with a shot of Buffy, this time risning up, looking concerned about somehting. I can't place where this is from. The pendulum/pocket watch is still superimposed over the shot.

We get a very brief flash of three ghostly images of a face, in deep shadows. The images glow in kind of a greenish light and looks to consist of three identical faces lined up next to each other. The shot then flashes to its negative image, then back to the "normal" shot before disappearing.

We cut to a shot of a darkened sky, with storm clouds rolling rapidly by. The UPN logo and the words NEXT TUESDAY appear on the screen, then they fly off the screen to be replaced by the words BETRAYAL HURTS.

The music recedes, and we see Buffy standing in her living room talking to the Scoobies and the Potentials. As Buffy speaks, several shots of the group appear.

Buffy: "For seven years I've kept us safe, and, and now what, suddenly you're all acting like you can't trust me?"

After the first shot of Buffy talking, we cut to a shot of many of the group listening, with downcast faces. In the forefront of this shot we see Xander, with a gauze bandage over his left eye, and Dawn seated next to him.

We then cut to a shot of Anya and Willow listening to Buffy. They both have sour looks on their faces.

Cut to a close up of Buffy, looking around the room. Dawn is standing close, but not next to her, and a little behind her.

We get a quick shot of Robin Wood standing next to Faith, as they both look on. Robin appears to be completely recovered from his injuries. Faith still has a couple of scrapes.

We pull back from that shot, where we see Dawn lean in to whisper something to Buffy or kiss her on the cheek, as Robin and Faith look on.

Switch to a close up of Dawn leaning in towards Buffy.

Switch angles to from behind Dawn as she leans in. The scene changes coloring, becoming whiter and "bleached out".

As the scene shifts, the music turns up a little bit and the narrator voices over the next set of scenes.

You were the one thing that I loved,
the one thing that I tried to hold on to...

Narrator: Anything can happen, when you're this close to the end.

We see a shot of Buffy's body crashing through the big window by her desk at her office in the school.

Cut to another shot to see Buffy, having crashed to the window, slam into the wall opposite her office. Buffy crumples face down to the floor.

Cut to a shot of Buffy lying on the floor next to the damaged wall, as Caleb looks down at her, then turns and walks down the hallway, away from the camera.

Narrator: An all-new Buffy, sponsored in part by Acuvue contact lenses.


Jeff Mejia - Apr 23, 2003 9:24:45 pm PDT #72 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo for the next Angel episode, "Peace Out" :

Narrator: Next Wednesday ...

We open on a shot of Angel entering a room in a cave setting, as he walks underneath a stone entrance. On either side of him are two large braziers holding flame.

Narrator: Only one answer...

The scene jumps forward, stll in the cave room, but this time Angel is in the foreground of the shot. His shirt is ripped and bloody from the abdominal wound that the skittering creature opened up. Back behind Angel, standing in front of one of the braziers, is a bald, older-looking man(?). He looks like some kind of monk.

Angel: "So, we can either do this the easy way..."

The scene jump cuts again. This time, we see Angel backhand some demonoid type creature as the "monk" looks on.

We cut bakc to the shot Angel standing in the center of the room, with the "monk" in front of the brazier.

Angel: "...or the hard way."

Cut to a shot of a bipedal demonoid spinning around to strike a blow. This is in the cave room.

We see Angel with a surprised look on his face as he stands in front of one demonoid, then he spins around to clobber another demon.

Narrator: ...can stop a fate....

Cut to a shot of the MoG walking out of the Hyperion through the double frosted-glass doors. There don't appear to be any other people in the Hyperion lobby.

The shot fades out of focus, and then is replaced by a fuzzy close up of Jasmin, standing in her room as the shot focuses in on her face.

Jasmine: "Bring them to me."

Cut to a shot of the MoG in the sewers, after they have been captured. The are kneeling on the floor with their hands behind her back. Soldiers are surrounding them, and Connor, holding a sword, stalks a circle around them.

Cut to a shot of Angel standing in the cave room. The "monk" stands next to him as Angel painfully drops to his knees.

Switch to a close up of Angel on his knees, looking up at the "monk".

Angel: "What is it? I'm kind of in a hurry."

Cut to a close up of the MoG kneeling as Connor circles around them. This shot focuses in on Wesley and Gunn.

Narrator: ...worse than death.

Cut to a daytime shot of the Hyperion lobby. A large number of people are there, in various stages of undress. All are smiling. A blonde woman is in the center of the group, taking off her top.

Cut to a shot of the blonde woman standing naked in front of Jasmine. The woman has that "blissed-out" look on her face.

Flash cut to a shot of Gunn standing in the "jail cell" that the gang had prepared for Angelus in the basement of the Hyperion. He has a disgusted look on his face.

Gunn: "She eats people?"

Cut to a close up of Jasmine, standing in front of Connor. She is smiling, but the smile seems to be turning into a frown as she glances towards her left.

Cue the Angel logo.

Narrator: All-new Angel, next week on the WB Wedenesday night.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - May 01, 2003 9:55:33 pm PDT #73 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown of next week's Buffy episode, "Love TrainTouched" :

Narrator: Acuvue-cam presents a preview of next week's Buffy the Vampire Slayer....

As the opening scenes that we've seen in the previous promos for the final episodes scroll across the screen, we here the song "Goodbye to You", sung by Michelle Branch, as the backing music. (That was the song that ended the episode "Tabula Rasa")

Goodbye to you, whoa-oah,

We open with a shot of Buffy walking around the room where the seal of Dazalthar is, from the scene where she threatened Andrew in "Storyteller". An orangeish, fiery glow colors the scene. Superimposed over the shot are the words THE COUNTDOWN IS ON. Also superimposed over the shot is a pocket watch used as a pendulum.

That scene fades out, and another scene fades in, this time shot of Buffy in a black leather coat and a long sword fades in. This looks as if it's from "Selfless", when Buffy was going to take on Anya. The pendulum/pocket watch is still superimposed over the shot. The THE COUNTDOWN IS ON words disappear, and they are replaced by ONLY 3 WEEKS LEFT. The words stay on the screen while the scene fades out, and we continue with a shot of Buffy, this time risning up, looking concerned about somehting. I can't place where this is from. The pendulum/pocket watch is still superimposed over the shot.

We get a very brief flash of three ghostly images of a face, in deep shadows. The images glow in kind of a greenish light and looks to consist of three identical faces lined up next to each other. The shot then flashes to its negative image, then back to the "normal" shot before disappearing.

As the UPN logo and the words NEXT TUESDAY appear on the screen, we open with a shot of Faith clutching Robin Wood's left arm and bringing it up to her face.

We switch angles and come up from behind Wood towards Faith as he caresses her cheek with his hand. Faith closes her eyes.

Pull out to a side shot as Faith leaps into Robin's arms as she kisses him. He falls backwards (presumably on to a bed behind him).

Faith (VO): "This is tonight. Forget about tomorrow."

The shot dissolves, and then some storm clouds appear with a lot of lightning flashing. The words HOW WOULD YOU SPEND... appear on screen.

Goodbye to everything that I knew...

Those words fade out, and the words YOUR LAST MOMENTS ON EARTH? appear.

The shot fades, then we cut to a shot of Spike kneeling before Buffy, looking up to her. The shot is from behind Buffy. I can't make out where this is, but a filing cabinet appears to be behind Spike.

Spike(VO): "A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing that I've ever been sure of."

Switch angles to from behind Spike, angled up towards Buffy. Spike reaches his right hand up to Buffy's cheek. She closes her eyes and turns her head away from his hand a bit.

Cut to a shot of Xander and Anya kissing passionately as they lay on the floor. Anya is on top, and Xander is wearing his red flannel shirt.

Fade out, then fade into a shot of Faith snuggling up next to a shirtless Robin, holding his head in her hands as he kisses her neck. They are both in bed..

Cut to a shot of Kennedy snugling up behind Willow in bed. Both are smiling.

Cut back to Spike, kneeling, but this time we just see a close up of Spike looking up towards Buffy. Spike: "I love you."

Fade to black, then fade in to a shot of Buffy, sitting on some kind of couch, talking to Spike (who is offscreen in this shot).

Buffy: "Will you just hold me?"

As this shot fades, a shot of Buffy sitting next to Spike on the couch overlaps it, then fades in. Spike has his arm around Buffy as they stare into each other's eyes.

That scene starts to fade as the storm clouds and lightning begin to come into view, then we switch to the Acuvue logo.

Narrator: Don't miss a minute of Buffy's final hours.

Narrator: An all-new Buffy, sponsored in part by Acuvue contact lenses.


Jeff Mejia - May 01, 2003 9:59:30 pm PDT #74 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for next week's Angel episode, "Home" :

Narrator: Next Wednesday on the season finale of Angel...

We open on a shot of the gang, standing in an office lobby. Everyone is cleaned up and dressed nicely. In the shot, we can see Gunn, Lorne, and Angel. All have stunned looks on their faces. Angel turns towards the camera location. The words SEASON FINALE appear at the bottom of the screen.

That shot fades, then we cut to a shot of a police cruiser rolling down the road, lights blazing.

Narrator: They ended world peace.

Cut to a shot of a city street. People are milling around, and a guy grabs a wire trash container and throws it thorugh a window of a store (which shatters before the trash bin hits it, but that's what you capture when you see things in slow motion).

We cut to a shot of Angel standing in the doorway to his office, leaning up against it as he folds his arms across his chest.

Fade to white, then cut to a shot of Angel and crew in an the doors open.

Cut to a shot of Lilah, seated on a couch, talking. Note that she is wearing a high necked blouse.

Lilah: "This is the offer of a lifetime."

Cut to a shot of Fred, dressed in business casual attire, in an office. She is standing in front of some glass walls. We see some reflection in the glass. Fred turns with an astonished look on her face.

Narrator: Now...

Cut to a shot of a large office lobby. A huge W&H logo sits in the middle of the lobby as many people in business attire hurry by. A tall person in a suit walks by and talks to the camera location.

Businessman: "Morning, Mr. Angel."

Reverse shot to see Angel standing in the lobby, with a wary look on his face. He still has some cuts from his battle with Jasming.

Narrator: ...all their dreams may come true.

Cut to a shot of Gunn standing in the elevator next to some woman. This is shot from the side, so you can't tell who the woman is for sure, but it could be Cordelia, looking a lot more like Season 1 Cordy. Gunn turns to look at the woman.

Cut to a shot of Lilah standing before a desk in an office. The curtains to the windows behind her a drawn to expose the room to sunlight. Again, Lilah is wearing something that covers her neck (but exposes a lot of cleavage, just FYI).

Reverse to a shot of Angel standingin the office with his back to the windows. As the sunlight fills the room, he turns towards the light and brings his arms up to cover his face.

Cut back to a shot of Lilah standing in front of the windows, with curtains wide open, showing the view of the city. She is looking towards Angel and has a grin on her face.

Cut back to Angel, with his hands up, but he pulls them away from his face as he realizes he isn't burning.

Angel: "I'm not bursting into flames."

Cut the Angel logo, this time with SEASON FINALE written underneath it.

Narrator: All--new Angel, the season finale, next week on the WB Wednesday night

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - May 06, 2003 10:33:47 pm PDT #75 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for next week's Buffy episode, "End of Days" :

As the Acuvue Cam logo splashes across the screen, we here Michelle Branch in the bacground as the narrator starts his spiel:

Goodbye to you,
Goodbye to everything that I knew...

Narrator: Acuvue-cam presents a preview of next week's Buffy the Vampire Slayer....

The opening scenes are similar to what we've seen before, shot in sepia tone, but there are more of them and they all seem to be of Buffy attacking.

The first scene is from "Selfless" and shows Buffy leaping from a table in the frat room, sword over her head.

Narrator: It's the show that broke all the rules...

Cut to a shot of Buffy fighting in an alley against 2 vampires, maybe from "First Date".

Switch to a shot definitely from "First Date" that shows a side shot of Buffy kicking a vampire as she stands in front of a wall.

Cut to a shot of Buffy, inside the school, throwing an axe (not The Axe). I can't remember what episode this is from).

That shot blurs into a different shot of Buffy, this time about to thrust her sword into Anya during "Selfless".

Narrator: ...and now, the legend is ending.

Cut to a shot of Buffy throwing a weapon, this time the shot is from "Help", where she is fighting the demon that was summoned by the boys.

The words ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT appear on the screen as the shot fades to a different one.

Narrator: Only two weeks are left.

We come to a shot of Buffy fighting the "zombies" in the school basement, during "Lessons", the opening episode of the season.

Quick cut to a shot of Buffy punching someone in an alley.

Switch to a shot of Buffy being held by vampires, as she kicks one approaching her, from "Sleeper".

We see Buffy fighting the newbie vamp in the crypt, as Rona and Vi look on, from "Showtime".

We see one final shot of Buffy wielding a flaming torch as she threatens the demon with it, from "Help".

The words fade out, and they are replaced by a very brief flash of three ghostly images of a face, in deep shadows. The images glow in kind of a greenish light and looks to consist of three identical faces lined up next to each other. The shot then flashes to its negative image, then back to the "normal" shot before disappearing.

Narrator: Next Tuesday on an all-new Buffy....

As the UPN logo and the words NEXT TUESDAY appear, we switch to full color. We open on the ending shots of "Touched", where we see Faith open the latch to the chest.

We then cut to a split screen, showing the open chest and the bomb at the top of the explosives in both shots.

As the words fade, we reverse angle to see Faith looking shocked at what she's discovered. Two SIT's are directly behind her, holding lit flashlights.

The shots become blurry as we see reactions of everybody to the bomb. The first shot appears to be of Rona, Kennedy, and another SIT.

Cut to a blurry shot of Faith screaming.

Cut to a close up of the bomb timer, as we see it move from 00:04 to 00:03. The stuff under the timer is labeled C4. The camera zooms in on the digital timer.

The shot then becomes an explosion, as the screen turns white.

Cut to a shot of a fireball, then we see a shot of three SIT's flying in the air away from the explosiong.

The shot moves in closer to focus in on two of the airborn Potentials

Narrator: The End has never been closer.


Cut to a shot of the rubble in the aftermath of the explosion. We see a lit flashlight lying on the ground, and then a hand reaches for it and grabs it.

Cut to a shot of Faith, lying on the ground as someone lifts her up. Her eyes are closed and she is either unconscious or dead.

Cut to a shot of Vi, lookng horrified as she looks around the ruins.

Vi: "Is anybody else alive? "

Other potential (OS, overlapping): "Oh God."

Vi: "Anyone?"

Narrator: Nothing can prepare Buffy for what's next.

Cut to a shot of Buffy dropping down through a hole in the ceiling of a subterranean room. She is carrying The Axe in her hand.

Cut to a close up of Buffy landing from the drop.

Cut to a shot of a Turok-han climbing up from some sewer. He swings his claws out at someone, but misses. He may be trapped.

Cut to a shot of Buffy wielding The Axe. In this scene, she is wearing different clothes than when we saw her drop from the ceiling.

Cut back to the subterranean location that Buffy dropped into. In this shot, she swings The Axe at a Turok-Han as it ducks.

Switch to another shot of Buffy holding The Axe as she prepares to kick someone.

Cut to a shot of Angel leaning up against a stone wall, looking on in amusement as he stands there with his arms folded over his chest. He is wearing a suit.

Angel: "God, I miss watching this."

Reverse angle to see Buffy approach Angel. From this shot, we can see a torch lighting the place, as though this were a stone temple or something.

Buffy: "Angel."

Pull out to a side shot of the two, as Buffy walks up to Angel and prepares to kiss him.

Cue the Acuvue logo.

Narrator: The last episode before the phenomenal series finale, sponsored in part by Acuvue contact lenses.