Mal: Which one you figure tracked us? Zoe: The ugly one, sir. Mal: Could you be more specific?

'Out Of Gas'


Jeff writes up the show promos for Buffy, Angel, and Firefly; he also does the Previouslys. Love him muchly, for he sees what we don't and reports it back to us.

Jeff Mejia - Jan 08, 2003 9:17:43 pm PST #51 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for the next Angel episode, "Habeas Corpses" :

Narrator: Next week, Angel, now on its new night, the WB Wednesday, the first of 6 all-new episodes...

We open with a shot of the logo "The WB Wednesday", complete with fire streaming from the "sky", then we actually start off with a shot from an enclosed space, peering up at a flashlight beaming down. There is a lot of dust/smoke swirling around, so there is no way of knowing who is holding the flashlight, but whoever it is is holding an axe or sword in their left hand and the flashlight in the right.

Cut to an angle peering down into a shaft or something, where we see three people holding flashlights pointing up, and a fourth person is standing with them. One of the people holding the flashlight is Gunn, because I can see his axe. My guess? Gunn, Wesley, and Fred are holding the flashlights, Angel is the other person, and Connor is the one we saw in the earlier shot.

Cut to a shot of a group of monsters (either zombies or vampires, but very human-looking in appearance) crashing through a battered office or hotel room door.

Cut to a shot of Wesley and Fred standing behind a pair of swinging doors as they close, while a group of the same zombie-types reach out their hads to tear the doors open. Both Fred and Wesley appear to have some blood on their faces, but not a lot. Fred is sceaming "Charles!"

Cut to a shot of Gunn standing in front of a single hotel room door as he closes it, with Wesley and Fred behind the door. Wesley and Fred don't appear to be bloody like in the previous shot. Zombie-types are charging after Gunn.

Reverse angle to see Gunn wallop the lead zombie-guy. A horde of zombie-types can be seen streaming through a door behind the lead guy. Gunn seems to be wielding some kind of light that affects the zombie.

Cut to a shot of Wesley in action in front of the same door. Wesley is wielding swords in both hands as he attacks the zombies.

Cut to a shot of Cordy and Connor, now clothed, sitting on their bed and looking out the window as a fireballs stream from the sky.

Narrator: The end of the world, brought forth by an invincible evil.

Cut to a shot of Angel, standing on some rooftop, staring down (like at the end of "Apocalypse Nowish") as fireballs stream from the sky.

We get a quick shot of a wall of flames, then cut to a close up of Angel with a dead cold stare on his face.

Cut to a shot of Connor, sprawled out on a floor. The shadow of the Big Bad Rubber Suited Satan (BBRSS) is visible on the wall behind him.

Cut to a shot of the BBRSS standing in an alley.

Cut to a shot of Lilah in her apartment or office. She is firing her gun at BBRSS as she backs away from it. The bullets don't seem to have any effect.

Lilah: "You have any idea what this thing wants?"

Cut to a shot of Connor, standing in an office.

Connor: "Everybody dead."

We then see a shot of Connor attacking the BBRSS with a sword, only to have thw sword break on the shoulder of the monster.

Cut to a shot of Angel turning towards the camera in surprise. Angel is waving a sword around.

Cut to a shot of Wesley, standing in the lobby of the Hyperion. Wesley is looking very weary and battered, with a couple of cuts on his face.

Wesley: "It's killing everything that moves."

We see a low-angle shot of the BBRSS lurching down a hallway.

Cut to a shot of the zombie-people crowded up in a room.

Cut to a shot of Wesley, Fred, and Gunn, holding their beaming flashlights down as the look through a darkened hallway.

Cut to a shot of Wesley and Fred coming up to a set of elevator doors. Wesley appears to be trying to pry the doors open, while Fred turns towards the direction of the camera as a flashlight beam hits them.

We see a shot of a bunch of people in an elevator car, waving their arms for help. These may be zombie-people, though.

Cut to a shot of the elevator doors closing in on the people.

Narrator: But something even darker will turn Angel against his son.

We see Cordy hugging Connor in the lobby of the Hyperion.

Cut to a shot of Angel, standing in front of the office doorway, turning towards the lobby. He looks avery angry.

We see a shot of Connor standing in front of a wall, turning towards his left and glaring through his hair.

Cut to a different shot of Angel (wearing different clothes than the above shot), as he stands in the Hyperion lobby and turns away from whatever he sees. He has another angry look on his face.

We see Angel grab Connor and throw him up against a wall.

Cut to see a close up of a very pissed-off Angel as he holds Connor up to the wall.

Reverse angle to from behind Angel as we see Connor's pissed-off reaction.

We then see a shot of Connor flying through the air and crashing into a pillar. The pillar crumbles from the force of the crash. We don't see who tossed Connor, but we do note that it is the same setting as the shots of Angel pushing Connor up against the wall that we just witnessed.

Cue the new Angel logo, which is just like the old one, except the sky behind the city background is on fire, and fireballs stream from the clouds.

Narrator: Next week, an all-new Angel, now on its new night, the WB Wednesday.


Jeff Mejia - Jan 15, 2003 9:47:40 pm PST #52 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for the next Angel episode, "Long Day's Journey" :

Narrator: Angel has moved to the WB Wedenesday.

We open up with the gang in the Hyperion lobby during the daytime. Angel is trying to rally the troops. We see Cordelia seated on the round couch, Wesley seated way in the back on the red couch, Fred and Gunn standing together next to the hotel desk, and just a bit of Lorne (or is it Connor?) on the other side of the desk. Angel is stanidng at one end of the room.

Angel: "Sure, we've been-"

Cut to a shot of the Big Rubber Satan (slugging Angel in the face. This may be at Connor's apartment. Wesley can be seen standing behind Angel.

Angel (VO): "...demolished"

We cut to a side shot of the punch, as Angel goes flying.

We cut back to the Hyperion pep talk, this time focusing in on Angel.

Angel: "...beaten"

Cut to a shot of a girl in red leather pants and a black leather top as something falls on or is thrown at her. This is Gwen, the electric girl from "Ground State". The setting that she is in is a warehouse-like environment, with mystic runes in black on the floor.

We then cut to a shot in the Hyperion lobby, where Gwen is standing and looking around. Cordelia is seen in the shot, standing back next to a wall.

Angel (VO): "Sure, it's slightly"

Cut to a shot of an alley or street in the daylight. Connor is sprawled on the ground with his eyes closed and blood on his face. Cordelia looks like she's giving him mouth-to-mouth, then she brings her head up and looks towards the direction of the camera. Gunn is seen standing just within the frame of the shot.

Angel: "...demoralizing"

Connor is seen as he is grabbed by the Big Rubber Satan, then we see him crashing through a glass window of a building and fall from a bit of a height, perhaps four or five floors.

We then cut back to Angel's speech to the gang.

Angel: "But from here on out we're going to find out what this thing's weaknesses, we're going to go in prepared, and we're going to fight smart."

We cut to shots of the gang attacking the BRS. Gunn is shoved out of the way by BRS as Angel attacks it with a sword. We see Angel's attack from various angles and can see Fred and Wesley standing back next to a wall as they look on. This appears to be at Connor's hideout.

We switch back to Angel's speech.

We cut to a shot of Cordelia standing in front of n apartment or hotel door, talking to someone off screen.

Cordelia: "You know that never works."

We see a shot of BRS lifting Angel up by the neck. This appears to be in the Hyperion lobby.

Angel: "Ah!"

Cue the Angel logo.

Narrator: An all-new Angel on its new night, next week on the WB Wednesday

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Jan 22, 2003 10:15:38 pm PST #53 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo for next week's Angel episode, "Awakening" :

Narrator: The WB Wednesday, Angel's new home...

We open with a shot of an explosion in a cave. We see Angel carrying a sword and another person recoiling from the blast.

Cut to a shot of the gang in the Hyperion, staring at something in the room. Welsey, Lorne, Angel, Cordelia, Gunn, and Fred are staring at something off-camera with horror.

Cut to a shot of Angle fighting the BRS with a sword, apparently in the Hyperion.

Narrator: Angel and Angelus, like Jekyll and Hyde...

The return of the hair. We see a shot of Angelus grinning wickedly in the field where all the bodies were, seen in Cordelia's vision in "Long Day's Journey".

Flash cut to a shot from "Fool For Love"/"Darla", as we see Angel striding down the street in China during the Boxer rebellion.

Cut to a shot of Angel(us) in vampface, in the Hyperion lobby as he growls at something.

We then cut to a shot of Connor and Gunn building a cage.

We see a shot of a blow torch putting the finishing touches on the cage.

We see Gunn strapping Angel into a restraining couch.

Cut to Angel talking to Connor.

Angel: "If anything should go wrong with Angelus, you're going to have to kill me."

Cut to a few shots of Connor fighting Angel(us) (or maybe somebody else, it looks like a stunt double in the shot) in a cave setting.

Focus in on Connor responding to Angel.

Connor: "Okay."

Switch back to Angel.

Angel: "If!"

Cut to a shot of Cordelia (in extreme close up) hugging Angel.

We then see a quick shot of an Asian man's face.

Cut to a shot of Connor standing in a warehouse room, as a blast of light fills it.

Flash cut to a quick shot of an empty, dark alley with effective backlighting.

We then see a shot of Wesley staring in through the cage bars. The shot is from behind the bars, and the image is a bit warped or fish-eyed.

Fade to an Asian man garbed in red (so that the only thing visible are his eyes).

Cut to a shot of Angel(us) strapped in the restraining couch, behind the bars. The man in red is standing at his head.

Narrator: Next Wednesday, Angel once again becomes...

Cut to a shot of Cordelia staring through the cage bars.

Cordelia: "Angelus."

Cut back to Angelus, strapped in the couch and grinning, laughing maniacally.

Cue the Angel logo.

Narrator: An all-new Angel, on its new night, the WB Wednesday.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Jan 28, 2003 10:08:58 pm PST #54 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for the next Buffy episode, "The Killer In Me" :

Narrator: Next Tuesday, on an all-new Buffy event...

NOTE: The entire promo is backed by a boy singing something (in Latin?). The music is very solemn, with a foreboding undertone.

We open with a shot (at night) of Willow and Kennedy walking into Willow's room. Kennedy saucily moves into the room, and we see Willow turn around ansd say something to her (but don't hear what she says).

We fade to a close up shot in profile of Willow standing and looking to something to the right of the scene's edge. Superimposed over the shot is a graphic "WHAT'S ONE LITTLE KISS?" Instead of any dialogue, we hear a boy singing a song (the song is not in English, someone will have to help me out here).

The scene overlaps to a close up profile of Kennedy, facing towards Willow. We can tell that she is saying something, but we can't hear it. She moves in close to Willow. The graphic fades out.

Fade to a different angle, just a little to the right of the previous one, to where we are seeing Willow more head-on. Her face moves closer to Kennedy's as they awkwardly move in to kiss each other. As they get closer to each other, almost kissing, but no contact, the scene fades to black as some flash or lightning effects peek out from behind their faces.

We get a quick flash of light, then cut to a shot of Kennedy, in color. We see just the right side of her face, as the other side is blocked by Willow. (We are viewing the scene from behind Willow). Kennedy opens her eye, and that eye conveys a startled look.

SMASH cut to a shot of Willow's right eye, this time in black and white. Her eye opens and similarly conveys a startlement.

Cut to a shot of the Summers' living room. We see what looks like Warren standing in the middle of it. "Warren" looks horrified as he tells everyone in the room:

"Warren": "I'm Willow."

Cut to a shot behind Warren. We see Buffy, dressed in black, looking to her left, then turning to look at "Warren". Fade to black.

Cut to a shot from behind Buffy. As Buffy charges towards "Warren", we can see Xander, Dawn, and Anya standing over by the end of the couch that's furthes from the door as they look on.

Swing back to the shot from behind "Warren", as Buffy charges up to him and swings a left cross at "his' jaw.

Cut to a shot from behind and to the right of Buffy, as she connects with "Warren", and "he" tumbles to the floor. It looks as though that's Kennedy standing next to the wall behind "Warren", as she looks in in shock.

Cut to a shot of Kennedy in the Summers' back yard, during the day. This shot is from her right side, as she slowly walks straight ahead (our right).

We pull back to an angle in front of Kennedy, where we can see she is standing in front of the bench in the yard where Warren shot Buffy last year at the end of "Seeing Red". "Willow" pops up in front of the camera, facing Kennedy and pointing a gun at her in a manner very close to how Warren held his gun.

Switch to a close up of "Willow", but the shot is a photographic negative of her holding the gun.

The shot switches back to normal color as "Willow" waves the gun around.

Cut to a closer shot of the negative of "Willow" that quickly cuts back to color.

Cue the Buffy logo.

Narrator: All-new UPN next Tuesday at 8, 7 Central.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Jan 29, 2003 9:34:29 pm PST #55 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here's the promo breakdown for next week's Angel episode, "Soulless" :

Narrator: Next week on the WB Wednesday, Angelus returns.

We open with a shot of Angelus standing in the shadows and glaring out of the cage.

A flash of white, then the scene fades/overlaps to the following images:
Angelus from the past, as seen in Cordelia's "memory vision"
Angelus staring through the bars of the cage.
Angelus from Cordy-vision again, this time with more of the ruined landscape visible behind him.
Fade back to Angelus staring through the bars of the cage.

Angelus: "You look all fresh and sweet."

Cut to a shot of Fred, as seen from Angelus' viewpoint.

Cut to Angelus glaring through the bars again, but now he has his hands wrapped around the bars and there's a slight smirk on his face.

Narrator: An Evil...

Cut to a shot of Cordelia, looking sad and grim.

Cordelia: "He lies with the truth."

Cut to a shot of Wesley arming some kind of weapon and pointing it towards the camera.

Angelus (OS): "Oh God, yeah!"

Cut to Gunn raising a loaded crossbow and pointing it towards the cage.

Narrator: ...that can't be caged.

Cut to a shot of Fred walking slowly towards the cage.

Cut to a vantage point from above the room, where we can see that Fred is wheeling a rolling cart slowly.

Cut to a shot of Angelus growling, then cut to his leg and foot going through a gap in the bars to kick the cart.

Cut to a shot of the cart careening towards someone.

We then see a shot of Angelus reaching his arm through the cage bars and grab Fred, dragging her up next to the bars and holding her by the throat.

Fade to black, then fade in on a shot of Gunn trying to pry Angelus' arm away from Fred's throat.

Angelus (OS): "Provocative! Get me all riled up."

Cut to a medium shot of Angelus standing in the middle of the cage.

Cut to a shot of Angelus leaning on the side wall of the cage, grinning and twitching like a maniac .

Cue the Angel logo, only this time it says ANGELUS, with the "US" letters a little bit faded.

Narrator: An all-new Angel, next week on the WB Wednesday night.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Feb 04, 2003 10:45:31 pm PST #56 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for the next Buffy episode, "First Date" :

Narrator: Acuvue-cam presents a preview of next week's all-new Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

We open with a shot of Buffy walking through the upstairs hall, in daytime, and Spike comes into the hall in front of her. Buffy stops short.

Reverse to an angle from behind Spike, as we see that Buffy, dressed in a slip, appears to be just stepping out of the bathroom and looks a little startled.

Reverse back to an angle from behind Buffy, as Spike talks to her.

Spike: "Heard you got a date."

Cut to a shot of Anya standing in the living room, as she tosses her head in exasperation.

Anya: "Everybody has a date."

Cut to a shot of Principal Wood, standing in front of a cabinet, as he turns his face towards the camera and has a sinister look to his expression.

Fade to s shot of Principal Wood opening the cabinet, as we see that behind the cabinet door there are a bunch of knives and other sharp weapons arranged on the wall.

Narrator: With an extra-hot, extra-twisted Valentine just for you.

The scene fades to a new one with a flash of fire in a heart shape (get it? Valentine's?), as we see Buffy in a restaurant. She is leaning forward as Principal Wood feeds her something from his fork. Buffy opens her mouth wide to eat whatever it is.

Quick reverse angle to focus on Principal Wood, noticebly dressed down for the occasion (sweater, no suit).

Cut back to Buffy, reacting to the food she just tasted.

Buffy (laughing): "That might be the best thing I've ever had in my mouth."

Cut to a shot at a construction site, where we see Ashanti talking to Xander. The shot is from behind Xander's shoulder.

Reverse angle to see Xander shake his head at something Ashanti says.

Narrator: R&B diva Ashanti guest stars...

Cut back to a close up of Ashanti, grinning a little wickedly, as "ASHANTI" is posted on the screen.

Cut to a shot at the Summers' house. In a shot from behind Buffy, we see Willow talking to Xander.

Willow: "Is she evil?"

Pull back to include Xander in the wide shot. We see that Buffy is seated on the couch, Willow is standing next to her, and Xander is standing on the end closest to the door. Buffy turns towards Xander to hear his reply.

Reverse angle to focus on Xander.

Xander: "Well, she's interested in me, so there's a good chance, but I'm hoping for the best." (Xander pumps his fist in hope.)

We get the "heart-shaped fire" again and cut to a scene where we see Ashanti, in a dark room, tugging on a rope dangling from above.

Narrator: Xander's freaky date from hell.

We pull back to reveal that this is the basement of the school, and that the seal of Danzilthar has been uncovered. Ashanti is pulling on the ropes to move the wheel mechanism that was used to suspend Spike while he was bled, only this time, Xander is strapped into the contraption.

Cut to a close up of Ashanti.

Ashanti: "Do the ropes hurt?"

Cut to a close up of the bound Xander.

Xander: "Yes."

Return back to Ashanti.

Ashanti: "Good!"

Cut the Acuvue logo, rather than the Buffy logo.

Narrator: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, brought to you in part by Acuvue contact lenses.


Jeff Mejia - Feb 05, 2003 10:28:54 pm PST #57 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the breakdown of the promo for next week's Angel episode, "Calvary" :

Narrator: Next week on the WB Wednesday...

We open with a shot of Angelus in his cage, grinning and twitching.

Cut to a shot of Cordelia in the Hyperion lobby, talking to someone of camera.

Cordelia: "Do you know what Angelus would do if we let him out?"

Cut to a close up of Wesley, looking pensive.

Narrator: Angel has now been lost to the dark side.

We flash to a series of scenes, shown in a sepia tone.

We see Angelus in the cage, grabbing Cordelia and shaking her violently.

Cut to a close up of Cordelia as her hair flys around due to the shaking.

We then see Cordelia fall down to the cage floor.

Cut to a shot of Angelus leaping down to the Hyperion lobby from the second floor.

We then see Angelus rushing towards the weapon cabinet.

Cut to see Angelus grab something from the weapon cabinet and throw it back out towards something off-carera. (End of sepia tone).

Return to full color as we see a shot of Gunn standing in the lobby, then turning to glare at something.

Flash cut to a shot of Angelus in the cage.

Cut to a shot of the camera swooping in for a close up of Angelus standing in front of the Hyperion door.

We see a shot of Angelus sitting on the floor of his cage, hinding in the shadows.

Angelus; "I'll give you a ten second start."

We see a slow-motion blurry shot of Fred, standing at the desk in the office, as she turns towards the camera.

Cut to see Gunn standing behind the lobby desk, as he turns and runs for something.

Switch angles to see that Gunn is rushing to pick up a rifle that is resting on the chair next to the end of the lobby desk.

Cut to a shot of Gunn in the basement in front of the cage, as he lets loose with a flame-thrower.

Narrator: Before it's over someone will die, and there's an ending you can't miss.

We return to the sepia-toned shots. The first shot if of Wesley.

Fade to a shot of Fred standing in front of the desk.

Lapse to a shot of Gunn, glaring at something.

We end the sepia tone with a shot of Cordelia.

Fade to black, then cut to a shot of the sun obscured by the magic.

Cut to an outdoors shot, in a wooded area, where we see two figures digging a hole in the ground in the distance. To me, it looks as if the ones digging the hole are Connor and Gunn.

Cue the ANGELUS logo.

Narrator: An all-new Angel, next week on the WB Wednesday night.

Grr. Arrgh.


Jeff Mejia - Feb 16, 2003 10:46:08 pm PST #58 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo breakdown for the next Buffy episode, "Get It Done" :

Narrator: Acuvue-Cam presents a preview of next week's all-new Buffy...

We open up with a shot, in sepia tone, of Buffy, wearing a jean jacket and white top, in a cave-like setting as she looks around her environment with a shocked look on her face.

Cut to a scene in the Summers' living room. This shot is also in a sepia tone. We see in the center of the room a portal or dimensional gate, sitting in mid-air, as it closes. Buffy dives head first into the closing gate. Other members of the gang are standing behind Buffy, next to the far wall of the room. Furthest to Buffy's left is Dawn, holding open a large book. Standing next to her is Willow. Closest to the camera, and to Buffy's back and right, is Xander.

Narrator: She's trapped in another dimension when all hell breaks loose. Now the world depends on Buffy's next move.

We cut to a shot, panning from low to high, of a very muscular demon. This shot is also in the sepia tone.

Switch to normal color as we see the demon crashing through the set of glass doors that separate one room from another.

Cut to a shot of the living room, where we see the demon crouching in the middle as Dawn comes charging straight at it (and the camera) with an axe high above her head as she prepares to chop.

We see a scene in the kitchen or dining room. This is a night shot. Standing closest to the camera is a figure clad in white and apparently floating in the middle of the room (only and arm and hand can be seen of the figure). Facing the figure, standing just in front of the doorway, from right to left, are Buffy, Kennedy, and Dawn. Kennedy reacts to the figure by bringing her right hand up to her mouth. Rona then walks in behind them, but the scene cuts before we can see how she reacts.

Back to sepia tone, as we see someone lighting a candle.

Still in sepia tone, we see a shot of the living room. In the center of the room is a fire. Xander is walking away from it. Arranged in a semi-cirlce at a distance from it are, from right to left, Dawn (holding open a large bood), Willow, Kennedy, Anya, and perhaps Spike in the left corner. Shadows are swirling aroung and projecting against the wall.

Still in sepia tone, we cut to a close up of Dawn with the large, open book. Shadows swirl on the wall behind her.

Cut to a shot of Buffy, standing next to the light switch and the glass doors with a surprised look on her face. Shadows swirl on the wall.

Cut to a close up of the fire. Small figures can be seen circling around the fire.

Cut to another shot of Dawn with the open book. She turns and looks at the shadows being projectend on the wall behind her. A "jack-o-lantern" shadow can be seen forming behind her in the direction she isn't looking.

Cut to a shot of Dawn (with the book), Willow, and Kennedy. All three seem to recoil from a shadow figure.

Cut to a shot of Xander recoiling from something in the swirling shadows.

We then see Dawn and Kennedy get hit by a big flash of light.

Pull back from that scene to reveal that the flash of light is coming from a figure seated in the center of the room. The figure is probably Willow, seated facing the camera, but she turns to look behind her as the flash of light hits Kennedy and Dawn. Xander is standing furthest to our right, and Anya is standing furthest to our left, so that they don't get hit by the energy blast. This is the last "sepia tone" shot of this stretch.

As we switch back to normal color, a song begins to play over a montage of scenes.

'Cause I'm just a little girl, you see

We see a shot of the SIT's working out in the back yard during the day. Buffy is standing on the back porch with Prinicpal Wood. Kennedy seems to be leading the Potentials in an exercise regimen. There are many more SIT's together in one place than we have seen this season.

Cut to another shot of the Potentials exercising. In this side shot, we can see that Rona is one of the Potentials present.

Cut to a shot of Spike being thrown through the basement ceiling to a room on the first floor by some kind of demon.

Don't ever underestimate what I can do

Cut back to another training shot, again focusing on Rona.

We see Spike, in vamp-face, standing in front of a brick wall. He screams and charges at something off-camera.

Back in sepia tone, we see Buffy standing in the upstairs corridor. Some figure graps her and throws her down the staircase.

Still in sepia tone, we see Buffy tumble down the staircase.

Cut to Buffy landing at the bottom of the staircase, and a figure pounces on top of her.

Reverse angle to reveal that the First Slayer is the one that attacked Buffy. She snarls for the camera.

In normal color, we cut to another shot of the exercises for the SIT's. Again, Rona is a focus of the shot.

Cut to an interior shot of Xander being thrown on to a table that collapses under him.

Back in sepia tone, we see Buffy standing in the middle of a strange location. She appears to be held down by chains that are strapped to her wrists and bolted to the floor of the cave-like location.

Still in sepia tone, we cut to a shot of an older black woman wearing something like a turban and holding a staff of some kind, as though she were a shaman or priestess.

Still in the sepia tone, we cut to a shot from above the weird location. The priestess is standing to the left. A figure is standing in the center, and on the floor are many concenctric circles. Another figure is standing to the right. At the top/far end of the shot, I think Buffy is standing. If one looks at the shot long enough, they may be convinced that Principal Wood is the figure to the right, and Spike is the figure in the center of the rings.

(Continued in next post)

Jeff Mejia - Feb 16, 2003 10:53:55 pm PST #59 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

(Continued from previous post)

Don't ever tell me how I'm meant to be (tell me how I'm meant to be.)

Cut to a shot of the Potentials training, this time showing the entire gang in one shot. The shot is from behind Kennedy, who is facing the rest of the group. By my count, their are four files of Potentials, with two files of three SIT's and two files of four, leaving a total of 15 Potentials (including Kennedy).

Cut to a close up of Willow screaming as her hair whips around her as though there is a strong wind blowing, event though the shot is in the living room. Willow's eyes aren't black, but her irises have changed to the darker color. The shot is very similar to her scream at the beginning of "Villains" or her "Canary cry" during "Two to Go".

Back in sepia tone, we see a close up of a chain, bolted to the ground, as it is being tugged on.

Pull back to reveal that Buffy is the one tugging on the chain, as she stands in front of a strange cave or rock formation, restrained by chains strapped to both of her wrists.

Back to normal color, we see Principal Wood in an interior setting, showing some fighting moves as it appears that he has something akin to brass knuckles attached to his left hand, but one can see spikes potruding from the knuckles instead of a flat surface.

Cut to another shot of the Potentials training. this shot comes from the side.

We see one more shot of the training montage, this time from behind Kennedy again, showing the entire gang.

Cut to a shot that starts in sepia tone, but fades in to normal color, as we see Buffy standing in front of the rock formation and talking to the priestess.

Buffy: "Tell me something I don't know."

Narrator: An all-new Buffy event, brought to you in part by Acuvue brand contact lenses.


Jeff Mejia - Feb 18, 2003 9:22:52 pm PST #60 of 121
"Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion." Dogbert to Dilbert

Here is the promo for the next Buffy episode, "Storyteller" :

Narrator: UPN Next Tuesday on an all-new Buffy...

We open with a shot of Buffy patrolling a cemetary at night. We start with a shot of her doing a back flip off of a tombstone.

Cut to a shot of Andrew in the cemetary, holding a camcorder in front of him as he slowly walks towards some action (presumably Buffy's fight).

Cut to a shot of Buffy fighting some human-looking monster or vampire, with the shot from behind the vampire towards Buffy. Buffy turns and delivers a spin-kick.

Pull out to a medium shot from the side where we see Buffy "kick" her opponent.

Narrator: You know what's wrong with all those home video shows?

We see a shot that appears to be the monitor of the camcorder, with a smaller field of view surrounded by brackets. At the bottom of the screen is a title - SLAYER CAM. The monitor dissolves from a snowy picture to resolve into a shot of Buffy standing befoer the Chapman tombstone.

Cut to an interior shot, focusing on Andrew. We see him holding up the camcorder and focusing on the monitor. One of the SIT's is visible behind him. This is probably in the living room.

Cut to a SLAYER CAM shot. This is in the basement, and is directly focused on Spike. (Spike is wearing the duster). He looks angry and yells at Andrew while he flicks his cigarette at him.

Spike: "Sod off!"

We now switch to a shot in the kitchen, where Andrew is recording the action. Xander is leaning up agains one of the cabinets and is eating cereal straight from the box while Andrew focuses in on him. Willow is seen standing next to them.

Switch to SLAYER CAM mode, where we pass by Willow and then see Xander chomping on the cereal.

Narrator: Nobody actually dies.

Cut to a shot in the living room, where the gang is assembled. Buffy is seated in front of Andrew, holding his camera. Willow is standing to her left, holding some glowing object. I think it might be Spike standing to her right.

Buffy: "Stop it, or I'm going to smash this camera over your head."

Reverse the shot to see Andrew seated on the couch, looking up at Willow.

Cut to a SLAYER CAM shot, this time perhaps an imaginary one of Buffy pouring some "Wheatflakes" cereal in a bowl while she winks at the camera as her hair blows dramatically back.

Cut to a different SLAYER CAM shot, this time apparently in the basement of the school where the Seal of Danzilthar is. We see Andrew(?) is holding Buffy's arms from behind while Dawn rushes towards her. Buffy brings up her foot and kicks Dawn, sending her backwards. Kennedy rushes forward to help.

Narrator: Not on Buffy. She's making America's deadliest home video.

Switch to a shot of Andrew holding his camcorder as he stands in front of the school basement wall. Light is coming from a source in front of him (behind our camera angle) as he focuses the camera on the scene.

Reverse to s SLAYER CAM shot, where we see Buffy standing in front of the basement wall as she pulls out a knife from behind her back and brings it up menacingly.

Cut to a shot of Andrew talking to Buffy. This shot is focused on Andrew and is from behind Buffy.

Andrew: "Please don't kill me."

Reverse the shot to show Buffy moving to her right and grabbing Andrew by the left shoulder, then reverse back to see Buffy spin Andrew around so that she is behind his back.

Cut to a shot of Buffy holding Andrew as he leans forward, perhaps over the Seal. Buffy has the knige out and looks as if she is ready to stab Andrew.

Zoom to a close up of Buffy.

Buffy: "It might save the world."

Pull back to see the same shot of Buffy holding a leaning Andrew, but this time the area is all dark, then a bright light comes on from a source in front of them. Andrew has a look of terror on his face as though he is screaming.

Narrator: An all-new Buffy, UPN next Tuesday at 8, 7 Central.

Cue the Buffy logo, only as if the logo were caught on video.

Grr. Arrgh.