It looks like this:
line 1 column 1 - Error:
t bogus
is not recognized!
line 1 column 1 - Warning: missing
line 1 column 1 - Warning: discarding unexpected
t bogus
line 1 column 1 - Warning: inserting missing 'title' element
Info: Document content looks like HTML 3.2
5 warnings, 1 error were found!
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Buffistas Building a Better Board
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Whenever a post is sumitted, it would get run through Tidy and Gus' TidyPlus©. If they do anything to the post, the user gets sent to a special editpost page
I love this idea.
Gus - The !DOCTYPE, title, and HTML 3.2 error messages are irrelevent to our posts and would befuddle many users. Unless we can limit the error message to only things that "matter", I don't think we should include it.
t off to research Tidy config options re messages
I agree. Most of the HTML used in posts is pretty simple to debug once you realize there's an error somewhere.
Just pointing out an implication: This moves the edits back to on-save. If the the work is done on-display, the board will be reading the post while the poster's think time is ticking by.
Personally, I don't think any post is so time-sensitively-urgent that the user can't spend a few moments to fix formatting errors before the tome is posted. But I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.
Watch-and-posts, and quoteathons are the most common times I can think of where posts slap through quickest, but generally? No URLs.
It is indeed hard to come up with a situation whereupon one needs to post bad HTML in a hurry.
Help! Help! I'm dying! What's the Heimlich maneuver again?
[a case in point. Tongue in cheek. I'm fine, really.]
If the user gets to see the modded HTML before it's saved, I have no real problem. Coming back on edit and finding something different from what you put in is what I think is wrong.