Any guesses as to why I can't see the bleeding code? (as in repeated, not British)
I'm tripping along, la, la, la and everyone else is drowning in bold.
I hesitate to ask, but could it be because I use a Mac?
'Out Of Gas'
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Any guesses as to why I can't see the bleeding code? (as in repeated, not British)
I'm tripping along, la, la, la and everyone else is drowning in bold.
I hesitate to ask, but could it be because I use a Mac?
Beej, it's because the code only goes through to posts on the same page. If the post after yours is the one on the top of the page, as you're viewing it, then you won't see the bold. If the post with the open tag is somewhere in the middle of a page, everything underneath it will look bold.
Ahhhsooo. I think I understand.
Not that I'll be testing it anytime soon. (closethetagorusequickedit,closethetagorusequickedit,closethetagorusequickedit)
Thanks for the clarification.
Any guesses as to why I can't see the bleeding code? (as in repeated, not British)
It's browser dependent. Some browsers will automatically close certain tags at the end of a paragraph; others leave open tags open.
IE 5.1
I really need to consistently switch to Mozilla. (that's a good one, right?)
While I'm pretty good with Mac fixes, browser differences mystify me.
Is someone messing with the Phoenix? The formatting in Opera 7.53 is going crazy at the moment.
scratch that, it was at my end.
Quick, jimi fiddled with his browser, let's put everything back the way it was and mess with his head.
Anyone up for going over Gus's map code and downgrading the PHP to 4.1.2? Or for upgrading our PHP?
I haven't been in the loop for awhile. But have we ever looked at Brinkster as a web-hosting service. They appear to a 17.95 a month plan with 2GB of space, PHP, MySQL (or MS SQL Server), and unlimited bandwidth. I might be tempted to get helpful again and add avatars if there was unlimited bandwidth to work with.
Hmmm... In my (anecdotal) experience, places that say you have unlimited bandwidth always seem to find an excuse to cancel your service if you use too much. In any case, our problem isn't bandwidth, it's that weird mySQL bug that casues us to accumulate too many connections or something (others can explain it better).
Here's what I was wondering: Can't we, under our dedicated server, "sublet" space to other people? We could greatly reduce the cost of keeping the current plan if we let some buffistas use aomw of our space and charge them for it.